
My ERASMUS Experience – a Story to Remember
February 28, 2018

This article was submitted by Timea Udvarhelyi from Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for a competition held by the European Office of Charles University by the occassion of the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme. Timea Udvarhelyi studies Computer Science and is at present hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University.

Video Hunter’s New Trophy
February 22, 2018

A search tool developed by Matfyz Computer Science students has scored another success, this time at the international competition ‘Video Browser Shutdown’ (VBS), which took place on 5 February in Bangkok, Thailand.

Big hand of artificial intelligence
February 15, 2018

A year ago they achieved a historical milestone in artificial intelligence development. Martin Schmid and Matej Moravčík, doctoral students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, were members of an international research team that participated in DeepStack program development, the very first program that beat human professional poker players. Both young scientists have been finishing their studies and since October they have been working on artificial intelligence for Google DeepMind enterprise in Canadian Edmonton.

Visual History Centre Celebrates Eight Years
February 5, 2018

It has been eight years since a unique collection of audio-visual recordings held by the USC Shoah Foundation was made available to the Czech public. These archival materials are being used by researchers, teachers, and students.

Matfyz involved in URBI PRAGENSI
January 12, 2018

The project supported by Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic analyses and also simulates climate or weather conditions in our capital. Thanks to this project the quality of life of Prague citizens will improve.

Excellent Scientists Awarded by Hlávka Foundation
November 20, 2017

The night before November 17th the oldest Czech foundation awarded meaningful personalities of local science. Apart from the others awarded, two representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics were honoured. Prof. Eva Hajičová got a medal for Nestors of Czech science, Dr. Martin Balko got the award of Josef Hlávka for exceptional academic and scientific results.

Concert for Fulbright Fellows
October 24, 2017

The Fulbright-Masaryk program for a non-profit sector celebrated 10 years organizing a concert at the Lesser Town Refectory.

St. Wenceslas Rotunda was awarded Patrimonium pro futuro
October 4, 2017

The National Heritage Institute awarded the best projects of monument conservation, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University was awarded twice. The preservation project of St. Wenceslas Rotunda won the category "value presentation" and also in public vote "Památky děkují".

Modelling and Observing Dense Stellar Systems
September 12, 2017

MODEST17, an international conference on astronomy, held at Charles University in Prague from September 18th until 22nd.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics got another ERC grant
August 21, 2017

The start-up grant by European Research Council of total budget € 920,000 goes to the Department of Chemical Physics and Optics to Dr. Jiří Klimeš. The grant is there to support his project focused on development of methods for materials modelling.

Electronics from Matfyz Will Fly to Sun
July 21, 2017

The Space Physics Group from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics participates in the development of the ESA Solar Orbiter spacecraft, which will observe the Sun surface, solar eruptions, and their products in the interplanetary space. Thanks to the participation in one of the instrument consortia the faculty will gain access to unique science data.

From the USA to Matfyz to Study Linguistics
June 2, 2017

Shadasha Williams comes from New Jersey and now is one of the students who attend lectures at Lesser Town lecture rooms since last October. She studies Computational Linguistics there. She is also the second international student who was given a scholarship by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics and the School of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.

Companies Attract Students of Computer Science and Mathematics
April 20, 2017

Monday April 3rd was the day when another Job Fair for Mathematics and Computer Science was held.

Prof. Cédric Villani visited Matfyz
April 19, 2017

On April 11 the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics welcomed one of the most prestigeous contemporary mathematicians. Prof. Cédric Villani gave a lecture called Of Particles, Stars and Eternity.

Skill trumps luck
March 3, 2017

DeepStack the first computer program to outplay human professionals at heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em poker.

New research centres at Matfyz
February 13, 2017

MATFUN and NanoCent, the two new research centres of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics that will examine and develop new materials for advanced applications, officially started at the beginning of February.


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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