Ombudswoman of CUNI MFF
How can the Ombudswoman assist you?
The Ombudswoman contributes to creating a fair and safe environment for students and staff at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.
She provides assistance to CUNI MFF employees and students, or, if necessary, refers them to other relevant faculty and university bodies or institutions.
The Ombudswoman actively works to prevent or address problematic behaviour and investigates issues primarily in the following areas:
- sexual harassment and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, or health conditions,
- abuse of power, non-transparent or biased examination processes, inappropriate communication, mobbing, bossing, and bullying,
- unequal, unjustified, or inconsistent demands on students, academic staff, and other faculty employees,
- inaction by individuals or bodies, conflicts of interest,
- violations of legal regulations including Charles University’s and MFF’s regulations and measures,
- other similar conduct.
The Ombudswoman identifies problems and barriers that negatively impact the working, studying, and academic environment at the faculty.
She also serves as a contact person for the CU Ombudsman.
Psychological and psychotherapeutic support for CUNI MFF students and staff is primarily provided by the Coordinator of Student Well-Being Services.
The post of the Ombudswoman and its responsibilities are governed by the Dean’s Measure No. 8/2024.
Contact Information:
Ing. Anna Smetanová
serves as the Ombudswoman for students and employees of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
724 165 924
Address: Internal Audit Department and Ombudsperson’s Office
(Referát vnitřního auditu a kancelář ombudsmana), Ke Karlovu 2027/3,
Prague 2
Submitting Concerns:
The Ombudswoman accepts both anonymous and non-anonymous submissions:
- by email:,
- by filling in an online form (language switcher in the upper scroll menu),
- in person at the Ombudwoman’s office, Room 206, 2nd floor, by prior arrangement,
- by mail (the physical address listed above).
Recommended Content of the Submission:
- identification of the notifier,
- contact information of the notifier,
- subject of the concern,
- expectations or a proposed resolution to the situation.