109. Department of Condensed Matter Physics
The main direction of the research performed at our department lies in studies of the structure and electronic properties of materials. Structure and microscopic electronic properties of thin films, magnetic multilayers and intermetallic compounds with f- and d-electrons are investigated by methods using scattering of X-rays, synchrotron radiation and neutron beams. Bulk material properties, especially the magnetic behaviour, transport, thermodynamic and cohesive properties, phase transitions and diffusion processes are investigated over a broad range of temperatures, external pressures and magnetic fields. Modern materials like nanocrystalline powders, two-dimensional surface structures, liquid crystals and carbon composites are studied in co-operation with other laboratories. Theoretical studies of quantum coherence in semiconductor alloys excited by femtosecond pulses, mesoscopic theory of wear and physics of granular systems complete our fields of interest, together with computing materials science focused on the electron structure of intermetallic compounds, modern oxides and borocarbides of rare-earth and transition metals.
Ke Karlovu 2026/5, 121 16 Praha 2 | |
Phone: | +420 95155 1393 |
E-mail: | kfkl@matfyz.cuni.cz |