GA ČR Grant Proposals 2022 - Instructions and Deadlines

On 10 March 2021, the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) published a renewed call for proposals in the following categories*:

  • STANDARD Projects,
  • a brand new scheme - POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP:
    • INCOMING 2022,
    • OUTGOING 2022,
    • Agencies involved within bilateral cooperation,
    • Agencies involved on Lead Agency basis – GA ČR Partner,
    • Agencies involved on Lead Agency basis – GA ČR Lead Agency.

*As opposed to the previous years, there is no call for EXPRO Proposals this year. The calls for EXPRO tenders will now be made in even-numbered years only.

The aim of the re-announcement is to postpone the deadline for submissions to 22 April 2021, which should help the scientists to cope with new Covid-related challenges and restrictions. The tender categories as well as their specifications remain unchanged. Thus, the new OVZS deadline is set to 8 April 2021.

For information on the calls in English, relevant tender documents in English, etc., please see here or go to tab “Grant Applications”.

WHEN AND HOW TO SUBMIT A GA ČR PROJECT PROPOSAL to the Research & International Affairs Department MFF UK (i.e. OVZS):

Please send a final version of the project proposal exclusively to no later than Thu, 8 April 2021 (or Mon, 29 March 2021 – please see below). The proposal is to be created in the GA ČR app, downloaded in the PDF format with the watermark “FINAL” over the front page. Please do not rename the document (contains „_CZ_f.pdf“). Please send to OVZS proposals where a Faculty employee is a PI as well as those where a Faculty employee is in the role of co-investigator.

Also, it is necessary to send to OVZS, either via email or using the data mailbox of the University (Spisová služba Univerzita Karlova), approvals for all project proposals the PI submits from the Head of the PI's department and the respective Vice-Dean. (The same set of approvals is required even for proposals where a Faculty employee is in the role of co-investigator.)


OVZS submits the project proposals to GA ČR no later than 22 April 2021, except the project proposals on Lead Agency basis – GA ČR Partner. For more information on their deadlines, please see the relevant tender document.

(KINDLY NOTE that, for example, the proposals of projects carried out with Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - Lead Agency (GA ČR - partner) must be submitted to GA ČR no later than 1 April 2021 (i.e. the original deadline remains). Please send the proposals to OVZS no later than 29 March 2021.


If you consider submitting any GA ČR grant proposal, please fill out a short questionnaire available here; ideally no later than 29 March 2021.


OVZS will host a webinar for all potential applicants and co-applicants. It is intended for all first-time applicants or those who would like to refresh their knowledge of the application procedure. The webinar will be held in the last or next-to-last week of March (the exact date is to be confirmed by other departments and will be announced as soon as possible).

GA ČR has also released a series of video manuals on the GRIS app you can find here (Czech and English subtitles should be available from mid-March.)

All of the above-mentioned deadlines are binding.

The page content responsibility: Research and International Affairs Department.

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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