Habilitation procedure
- Applicant will deliver all documents in the required form to the OVZS office* first electronically for a preliminary check and then final version in paper form after the approval of the OVZS (in person or by registered letter).
- Upon receipt the candidate will receive an e-mail with information needed to access the CHRES application; if the applicant is a CU employee, he/she will use their personal access information for the CU Central Authentication Service (CAS). Otherwise, log in data will be sent to the candidate by e-mail. After logging into the CHRES portal, applicant will upload all required documents and ensure that the final electronic and printed versions are identical**; from this moment on, the applicant will no longer have access to the application.
- In accordance with the Rector's Directive No. 15/2019, all habilitation theses will need to pass the originality check. The originality of the habilitation thesis is checked by the OVZS department in cooperation with the Library of the MFF UK in the Turnitin portal. If an abbreviated version of the habilitation thesis is available, a check is done on this version, otherwise the full version of the thesis is checked. The Turnitin portal will generate a PDF report based on the findings. This report is uploaded to the CHRES and made available to all members of the habilitation commission as well as all opponents of the habilitation thesis.
- The Commission members for the given procedure are voted on at the meeting of the Scientific Board of the MFF UK.
- The applicant is obliged to pay a process fee for the habilitation procedure within 30 days from the voting of the Commission for the given procedure - see Dean's Directive No. 1/2017
- From the time the application is uploaded in the CHRES, the members of Commission have the right to view all materials for this habilitation procedure until the end of the procedure.
- The members of the Commission appoint three opponents who will prepare the opponent's opinions on the candidate's habilitation thesis and comment on the originality check. Opponents will send the opinions either to the chairman of the Commission, who will immediately forward them to the OVZS department, or directly to the OVZS, no later than 2 months after the opponents have been contacted with a request for an opinion.
- After receiving all opponents' opinions, the Commission will draw up and vote on the Commission’s opinion within one month. The electronic version of the Commission’s opinion is inserted by the chairman of the Commission into the designated form in the CHRES application. The printed version of the opinion is sent by the Commission chairman to OVZS (2 copies) signed by all participating Commission members. OVZS representative will scan this document and insert it into the CHRES application.
- When the Scientific Board meeting with the habilitation procedure is announced, all members of the Board will gain access to all relevant documents for the habilitation procedure.
- The candidate will give a lecture at the meeting of the Scientific Board of the MFF UK. He/She will be informed well in advance about the scheduled meeting day. According to the Scientific Board MFF UK recommendation from 3th November 2021, the candidate should be prepared to give his/her lecture in English due to frequent presence of foreign members of commissions, opponents and guests that are presented at the meeting. The lecture will last 30 minutes, during which relevant materials (including reviews, opinions, opinion of the Commission and the habilitation thesis) will be available to all for review. More information here.
- If the candidate receives a positive response to his/her lecture, all materials will be sent to RUK UK for further proceedings. The materials are sent to RUK UK after final approval of the Scientific Board MFF UK meeting minutes that are approved at the following meeting of the Scientific Board MFF UK.
- The habilitation thesis will be published in the Digital Repository of Charles University, see https://cuni.cz/UKEN-945.html
- Associate
Professor is appointed by the Rector of Charles University
* http://www.msmt.cz/vzdelavani/vysoke-skolstvi/legislativa a https://cuni.cz/UK-146.html#23