Overleaf at the Faculty of mathematics and physics
We recommend that you read the text on this page before you start using Overleaf.
If you already know all about Overleaf, you can using it instantly.
Attention! In order to successfully log in to Overleaf and get the Overleaf Professional license plan, you must have an e-mail address from the cuni.cz domain registered in CAS! See below for more details..
Thesis templates at MFF UK for LaTeX are available. You can use them in Overleaf.
Questions and Answers
1. What is Overleaf?
Overleaf is an online editor for creating professional, academic papers. The system uses the LaTeX program for typesetting. For details, see Wikipedia, Overleaf.
2. How Overleaf works?
Overleaf works as a cloud service. This service is not operated by Chales University, but by an external entity. The service can be used by those who have a registered account in it.
3. How much does Overleaf cost?
Basic version of Overleaf is free. Our faculty has an active Overleaf Commons subscription, and due to all employees and students have access to richer options within the Overleaf Professional license plan.
4. How do I register and log in to Overleaf?
Use the link above. Then use the Log in through your institution option and log in via CAS. If you already have an individual account in Overleaf, you can change (link) it to an institutional one (use the Link account option). Attention! In order to successfully log in to Overleaf and get the Overleaf Professional license plan, you must have an e-mail address from the cuni.cz
(only this one!) domain registered in CAS! Therefore, before you try to use Overleaf, check that you have entered an address in CAS that meets this criterion. If you have entered an address in CAS that does not meet this criterion or you do not have an e-mail address entered there at all, or you have entered more than one address, correct it first. Employees can use their regular work e-mail address (e.g. in the form name.surname@mff.cuni.cz
or name.surname@matfyz.cuni.cz
), students can use their university address of the form name.surnameXYZ@student.cuni.cz
pointing to the system Microsoft 365. The following image shows exactly where in CAS the address needs to be checked or changed.
5. I got the error message Something went wrong, sorry. Why?
With a high probability, the reason for displaying this message is the fact that you do not have an e-mail address from the
domain filled in CAS, see the previous point.
6. What features does the Overleaf Professional license plan offer?
Overleaf Professional include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history.
7. What if I need any help with Overleaf?
MFF does not provide support for Overleaf or LaTeX. If you have any questions regarding working with Overleaf or LaTeX, direct them directly to Overleaf or consult with your more experienced colleagues. If you have problems logging in or assigning an Overleaf Professional license plan, please contact psik@matfyz.cuni.cz.
99. I did not find an answer to my question here. What should I do?
Write your question by e-mail to psik@matfyz.cuni.cz. You will definitely get an answer to it.
Author: Pavel Zakouřil, dpt. 728 – PSíK, 17. 7. 2023