Matfyz graduate was awarded a "Study in" prize
The Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS) announced and awarded last year's best educational projects in Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Euroguidance, eTwinning and Study in the Czech Republic programmes. One of these awards went to Aakash Ravi, alumnus of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
The ceremony took place on December 12, 2019 at the DOX Center for Contemporary Art in Holešovice, Prague. It was opened by Václav Velčovský, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, and Dana Petrová, the Director of DZS.
By awarding prizes, the Centre for International Cooperation in Education highlights the efforts and commitment of implementers of international educational projects, who often contribute in their free time to the internationalization of Czech education and make foreign experiences available to people who would not otherwise have the possibility.
"Study in International Alumnus" winners: Aakash Ravi (Charles University), Miljan Erbez (Mendel Univesity in Brno), Hadi Al Khatib (Anglo-American University).
Charles University received the Study in price for the 4EU+ Alliance and its achievement in the field of internationalization of universities. The expert committee appreciated the successful involvement of universities from France, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Italy. A strong partnership has been established, in which more than 100 joint proposals for activities in the area of research and education have been prepared.