Companies Attract Students of Computer Science and Mathematics
Monday April 3rd was the day when another Job Fair for Mathematics and Computer Science was held.
This traditional spring event attracted 36 companies that perform in mathematics and computer science environment to the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Lesser Town Square. Amongst them there were e.g. companies Accenture, Česká spořitelna, ICZ, Price f(x), or ŠKODA AUTO whose stands were between 9 am and 5 pm visited by more than 300 students not only from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.
Although the future career logically interests the last year students or fresh graduates, this year’s Job Fair also attracted younger students. Most of the younger students were looking for new opportunities for internships during the summer months or collected information about possible part time jobs. This positive trend of students’ responsibility for their future career was proved by companies’ representatives.
The list of companies present at the spring Job Fair is available at Career Market.
Another Job Fair will take place on November 27th 2017, again on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Lesser Town Square. However, before this day the companies will meet students in Troja. This time the event will focus on physics and will be held on April 25th 2017. Companies such as Crytur, Meopta – optika, Advanced Technology Group, MEDICEM Institute, inSophy, or Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences / ELI Beamlines promised their participation there.
Karolína Šolcová