accordance with the Competitive Hiring
Process Code of Charles University
the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics of Charles University
announces opening of academic
with submission deadline February 15,
School of Physics
Assistant professor at the Department of Physics of Materials specializing in physics of materials.
ID of the position: 202202-AP2-KFM
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree in the field of physics of materials and experience from a research stay at a foreign institution. Practical experience with the study of phase transformations in metallic materials, and ability to join the current research activities in the field of titanium, magnesium, or zirconium alloys or alloys with high entropy, is required. Furthermore, a positive approach of the applicant to pedagogic activities and the ability to integrate scientific and pedagogic work (delivering lectures and seminar classes, supervision of qualification theses) is required. The candidate must be able to deliver lectures and lead exercises both in the English and Czech language.
Expected starting date is May 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Assistant professor at the Department of Surface and Plasma Science, in the field of physics of surfaces and interfaces.
ID of the position: 202202-AP2-KFPP
We require a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in the field of physics of surfaces and interfaces and completion of a foreign postdoctoral residency. We require the applicant's practical experience with the study of surface properties of solids, including knowledge of advanced experimental methods of surface physics with emphasis on the XPS method and related techniques. The advantage is experience with measurement and processing of photoemission data from the synchrotron. We require professional experience and constant publishing activity in impacted journals. Activity in obtaining grant funds is also expected. Furthermore, a positive attitude of the applicant to pedagogical work and the ability to combine pedagogical activities and scientific activity is required. The candidate must be able to lead lectures or exercises in Czech and English and to conduct student, bachelor's or master's theses.
Expected starting date is September 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Assistant professor at the Laboratory of General Physics Education, in the field of physics of materials
ID of the position: 202202-AP2-KVOF
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area. The applicant should be experienced in physics of materials and have experience from a research stay at a foreign institution. Practical skills in the study of aluminium alloys using differential scanning calorimetry and electrical resistometry is required. Practice in electron microscopy and other methods is an advantage. Relevant research stays outside the country of the applicant’s origin is required. The candidate should have a continual publishing activity in journals with an impact factor. Furthermore, a positive approach of the applicant to educational activities and experience with teaching in students’ laboratories is expected. The main part of the job will be organization of the experiments and teaching in student’s labs, therefore organizational abilities are required. The applicant must be able to deliver lectures and lead exercises in the Czech language.
Expected starting date is July 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Assistant professor position at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in the field of gravity and relativistic physics.
ID of the position: 202202-AP2-UTF
Qualification requirements: Expertise in the theory of gravity, especially in the general theory of relativity and its generalizations. Prerequisites for top scientific work and pedagogical work. A Ph.D. or equivalent in the relevant field. The applicant should have extensive professional practice in the field, the ability to integrate scientific activities, teaching, and supervision of student work, including the training of doctoral students. Applicant’s research and pedagogical expertise should allow entering the habilitation procedure in the near future. Permanent publishing activity in the field in impacted periodicals is required. Teaching at the master’s level in Czech or English will be expected.
Expected starting date is September 1, 2022, and is negotiable, but January 1, 2023 at the latest.
Academic Researcher position at the Institute of Physics in the field of Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics.
ID of the position: 202202-VP2-FU
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area. The applicant should be experienced in characterization and modeling of diffraction on laterally structured anisotropic periodic systems with focus on magneto-optic materials, photonic crystals, diffraction gratings and nanostructures. Experience with scatterometry is an advantage. A track record of relevant research stays outside the country of the applicant’s origin is required. The applicant should present a list of relevant publications in impacted journals. Positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities, as well as ability to supervise student theses and projects is expected. We require teaching ability in both Czech and English languages. A track record of the applicant’s teaching history at the university level is an advantage. Activity in preparation of grant proposals, and regular publication activity will be expected.
Expected starting date is July 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Academic Researcher position at the Department of Atmospheric Physics in the field of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics with specialization on the statistical modelling, deterministic chaos and nonlinear processes in the atmosphere.
ID of the position: 202202-VP2-KFA
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area. The applicant should be experienced in the statistical modelling of the atmospheric processes, deterministic chaos, analysis of nonlinear process and predictability of the atmospheric processes. A track record of relevant research stays outside the country of the origin is required. The applicant should present a list of relevant publications in impacted journals. Positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities, as well as ability to supervise student theses and projects is expected. We require teaching ability and supervision of students’ theses. Activity in preparation of grant proposals and regular publication activity will be expected.
Expected starting date is July 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
School of Mathematics
Full Professor at the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics in the field of Mathematical statistics.
ID of the position: 202202-AP4-KPMS
Working activities: Scientific and pedagogical work in the field of mathematical statistics
Qualification requirements: Full Professor title in a relevant area or a comparable foreign academic position, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, outstanding publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions, a clear leading role in international context, and ability to coordinate and lead a research group. The ability to teach in Czech (possibly after three years period) and English language.
Informal inquires shall be addressed to the head of Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics:
Expected starting date is October 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Assistant professor position (tenure track) at the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics in the field of optimization and operations research with focus on stochastic or robust optimization.
ID of the position: 202202-AP2-KPMS
Working activities: Scientific and pedagogical work in the field of optimization and operations research with focus on stochastic or robust optimization.
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact factor journals or media recognized by the community.
Informal inquires shall be addressed to the head of Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics:
Expected starting date is October 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Assistant professor position (tenure track) at the Mathematical Institute of Charles University in mathematics specializing in mathematical physics with a special focus on quantum field theory, string theory, quantum information and related topics
ID of the position: 202202-AP2-MUUK
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals or media recognized by the community. Teaching both in English and Czech (possibly after three years period) languages.
Informal inquires shall be addressed to the director of Mathematical Institute of Charles University:
Expected starting date is October 1, 2022, and it is negotiable.
Academic Researcher position in the Department of Algebra with specialization in Number Theory
ID of the position: 202202-VP1-KA
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area. In the case of candidates shortly before finishing their Ph.D. studies, a Master's degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area is sufficient.
Informal inquires shall be addressed to the head of Department of Algebra:
Expected starting date is July 1, 2022 and is negotiable.
All applicants are required to have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in the relevant field (if not explicitly stated otherwise), professional practice in the given field, positive attitude towards pedagogical activities, ability to integrate scientific activities, teaching and supervision of student work (for associate professors and professors, including training of doctoral students), permanent publishing activity in the given field in impacted periodicals or in periodicals equivalent and recognized in the given field, as well as experience from stays at foreign workplaces.
In the case of the position of associate professor, a habilitation in the relevant field or the achievement of a comparable position at an internationally recognized foreign workplace is required.
In the case of a professor position, the appointment of a professor in the relevant field or the achievement of a comparable position at an internationally recognized foreign institution is required and significant publication activity, a clear role on an international scale and the ability to coordinate the work of an expert group are expected.
The application accompanied by
- a curriculum vitae,
- proofs of education and awarding of academic titles,
- a description of teaching and research experience,
- a list of publications,
- a list of conference contributions in a relevant filed
- citation report, and
- a motivation letter including a research statement and teaching expectations
should be sent by e-mail to <> latest by February 15, 2022. The subject of this e-mail should contain the ID of the position.
The applicant must also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent as well to <>. The subjects of these e-mails should contain the ID of the position. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. In well-justified cases, the interview can be held remotely. The shortlisted candidates may also be invited to give a public lecture.
Published on December 20, 2021