In accordance with the Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University
The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University
announces opening of academic positions
with submission deadline April 15, 2020/June 30, 2020

School of Physics

Assistant Professor position (tenure track) in the Department of Physics of Materials in the field of physics of materials with a focus on physics of materials and advanced in-situ methods for investigation of deformation mechanisms, as e.g. acoustic emission technique and documentation of microstructure evolution using scanning electron microscopy (in-situ SEM deformation).

ID of the position: 202004-AP2-KFMSUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. An advantage would be an experience with the research in the area of advanced magnesium alloys. The candidate must be able to start lecturing in Czech language after 12 months from starting the position.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Assistant Professor position (tenure track) in the Department of Surface and Plasma Science in the area of plasma physics with a focus on space physics. Scientific and educational work is expected in the field of space physics with a focus on experimental in-situ study of dust in interplanetary space.

ID of the position: 202004-AP2-KFPPSUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. An advantage is experience with experimental research in the field of complex plasma. Applicants must be able to start teaching in both Czech and English no later than 12 months after starting their job.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Academic Researcher position (tenure track) in the Department of Surface and Plasma Science in the area of plasma physics with a focus on space physics. Scientific and educational work is expected in the field of space physics with a view to experimental study of plasma processes in the heliosphere and interaction of solar wind with solar system objects.

ID of the position: 202004-VP2A-KFPPSUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. The ability to lead English lessons is expected within 12 months of starting the job.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Academic Researcher position (tenure track) in the Department of Low-Temperature Physics, category VP2, in the field of nuclear and subnuclear physics. The position includes scientific and pedagogic work in the field of nuclear and subnuclear physics, analysis of data from experiments, participation in large scale experiments at accelerators in CERN, and development of scintillation detectors.

ID of the position: 202004-VP2A-KFNTSUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. Applicant’s experiences with scientific work in large collaborations e.g. in CERN or other facilities for nuclear and particle physics are welcome.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Academic Researcher position (tenure track) in the Department of Atmospheric Physics in the field of Atmospheric Physics.

ID of the position: 202004-VP2A-KFASUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. Experience with research projects oriented on atmospheric chemistry is required.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Associate Professor position in the Department of Surface and Plasma Science

ID of the position: 202004-AP3-KFPP – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Scientific and educational work is expected in the physics of surfaces and interfaces with a focus on scanning microscopies.

Qualification requirements: Habilitation in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. The ability to teach in both Czech and English langauges is required.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Associate Professor position in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics in the field of theory of condensed matter, especially quantum transport.

ID of the position: 202004-AP3-KFKL – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Habilitation in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Full Professor position at the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics in the field of experimental particle physics.

ID of the position: 202004-AP4-UCJF – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Full professor title in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, outstanding publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions, a clear leading role in international context, and ability to coordinate and lead a research group. At least a seven year experience with work in an international experiment in particle physics, and at least a five year experience with leading a team in such an experiment.

Expected starting date is October 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

School of Computer Science

Lecturer in the Department of Software and Computer Science Education specializing in theoretical computer science

ID of the position: 202004-L2-KSVI – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Msc. or Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses. The applicant has to be able to teach both in Czech and in English.

Expected starting date is July 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Associate Professor position in the Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems specializing in formal methods and software verification

ID of the position: 202004-AP3-KDSS – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Habilitation in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, publication record in impact journals, selective conferences or other media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. The applicant has to be able to teach both in Czech and in English.

Expected starting date is July 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Associate Professor position in the Department of Thereotical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic specializing in theoretical computer science

ID of the position: 202004-AP3-KTIML – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Habilitation in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, publication record in impact journals, selective conferences or other media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. The applicant has to be able to teach both in Czech and in English.

Expected starting date is July 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Full professor position in the Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems specializing in software systems and software architectures

ID of the position: 202004-AP4-KDSS – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Full professor title in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, advising doctoral students, outstanding publication record in impact journals, selective conferences or other media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions, a clear leading role in international context, and ability to coordinate and lead a research group.

Expected starting date is July 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

School of Mathematics

Assistant Professor position (tenure track) in the Department of Mathematics Education specializing in didactics of mathematics.

ID of the position: 202004-AP2-KDM – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals or media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. An experience with high-school teaching of mathematics is welcome.

Expected starting date is September 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Assistant Professor position (tenure track) in the Department of Mathematical Analysis specializing in mathematical analysis, in particular in ordinary differential equations.

ID of the position: 202004-AP2-KMA – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals, experience from foreign academic or research institutions. Fluent command of Czech language is required.

Expected starting date is September 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Assistant Professor position (tenure track) at the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics specializing in econometrics, optimization, operations research or financial mathematics

ID of the position: 202004-AP2-KPMS – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals or media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions.

Expected starting date is September 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Assistant Professor position (tenure track) at the Mathematical Institute of Charles University specializing in geometry, in particular in global analysis or differential geometry

ID of the position: 202004-AP2-MUUK – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals or media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions.

Expected starting date is September 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.

Postdoctoral two-year position in the Department of Algebra specializing in Algebra, Logic or Number Theory

ID of the position: 202004-VP2A-KA – SUBMISSION DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2020

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area, research and teaching experience in a relevant field, positive attitude towards pedagogical work, ability to integrate research and teaching activities as well as supervising student theses, publication record in impact journals or media recognized by the community, experience from foreign academic or research institutions.

Expected starting date is September 1, 2020, and it is negotiable.


The application accompanied by

  • a curriculum vitae,
  • proofs of education and awarding of academic titles,
  • a description of teaching and research experience,
  • a list of publications,
  • citation report, and
  • a motivation letter including a research statement and teaching expectations

should be sent by e-mail to <> latest by April 15, 2020/June 30, 2020. The subject of this e-mail should contain the ID of the position.

The applicant must also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent as well to <>. The subjects of these e-mails should also contain the ID of the position.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. In well-justified cases, the interview can be held remotely. The shortlisted candidates may also be invited to give a public lecture.


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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