

In order to reliably identify individual authors in publications (or to distinguish authors with the same name from each other), each author should create a unique identifier (ORCID):

ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) is a central register of unique international identifiers. It provides a transparent way of linking research activities with this identifier. It represents a permanent identity of the authors, which ensures unique identification.

The ORCID register provides the possibility to obtain an unique identifier free of charge, allows authors to manage their profile and establish contacts or search for other scientists.

ORCID retains only insensitive data, about which the author, at his discretion, decides whether he wants to publish them or not.

Academic and scientific staff of the MFF UK, students of doctoral studies registered at the MFF UK, and other publishing employees and students registered at the MFF UK (hereinafter referred to as "the authors"), have the following obligations based on the Rector's Directive no. 40/2021, Section 19, Article 1, which should meet within 2 months from the beginning of the employment or study relationship with the MFF UK:

  • set up their ORCID personal identifier
  • link it to their WOS ResearcherID identifier
  • link it to the records of their publications in WOS
  • link it to their Scopus Author ID identifier
  • remove any duplicate records in ORCID

Records of their publications that do not appear in WOS or SCOPUS will be added to ORCID in BibTeX format (e.g. from GoogleScholar or MathSciNet databases), if they are available in these formats. In this format, you can also export publications from OBD. After setting up their ORCID personal identifiers, the authors should fill all three identifiers in the OBD (see these instructions).

Charles University offers the possibility of linking the ORCID identifier and logging into the registry using a university account.

Authors have an assistant available at their disposal at the Department of Library of MFF UK in case of any problem with accomplishing the tasks required by the Rector's Directive no. 40/2021.

The contact to the assistants and faculty coordinator is available at:

More detailed guidelines for authors about creating ORCID persional identifiers and other actions required by the above Directive are available at:

OBD (personal bibliographic database)

Faculty staff should keep track of all their publications (especially publications produced as an output of various research activities at specific departments) in a special [to-be-designated] internal application called OBD. Employees may register data about their publications either themselves or through departmental administrators who are selected at each department for this purpose. Annually [at the end of February], all relevant records are then submitted to the government database (RIV), and subsequently undergo government evaluation (see Methodology 2017), on the basis of which the university is then allocated funds [from the state budget] for its research activities. For this reason, please pay close attention to the registration of your results in the OBD application.

Deadline for data collection: annually on the last day of February.

  • It is possible to fill in the bibliographic data to the OBD system continuously (non-stop).
  • For searching in publications use: OBD Public
  • List of administrators (i.e. departmental administrators for individual departments to whom authors can turn for advice on OBD)


OBD – instructions for authors → newly translated into English


List of excellent results:

Accompanying website:

Contact persons:

Marcel Golias (Bibliography & RIV)

Zaneta Florianova B.A. (ORCID Coordinator for Departments of Mathematics & Physics])

Petra Hoffmannova PhD (ORCID Coordinator for Department of Informatics)