RNDr. David Bednárek, Ph.D.
- Department
- The Advisory Body of the Faculty Management
- Department of Software Engineering
- Phone
- +420 95155 4191
- david.bednarek@matfyz.cuni.cz
- Links
- Teaching
- Schedule
- Exams
- Supervised theses
- Assigned theses
- Room / building
- S 203, 2nd floor, Malá Strana, Malostranské nám. 2/25, Praha 1
- Winter term
- NPRG041 – Programming in C++ NSWI098 – Compiler principles NSWI150 – Virtualization and cloud computing NSWI170 – Computer systems
- Summer term
- NPRG051 – Advanced programming in C++ NPRG054 – High performance software development NSWI109 – Compiler construction
- Software and science
- gitlab.mff.cuni.cz ResearchGate DBLP