General Information

Study Programmes

1. Mathematical Structures
2. Mathematics for Information Technologies
3. Mathematical Analysis
4. Computational Mathematics
5. Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology
6. Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics
7. Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Assumed Knowledge

Individual programmes have specific entry requirements for the knowledge assumed to have been already acquired before the start of the Master's programme. Upon evaluation of the previous study experience of each incoming student, the coordinator of the study programme may assign a method of acquiring the necessary knowledge and abilities, which may for example mean taking selected bachelor's courses, taking a reading course with an instructor, or following tutored independent study.

State Final Exam

Study in the master's programme is completed by passing the state final exam. It consists of two parts: defence of the master's (diploma) thesis, and an oral examination. Requirements for the oral part of the state final exam are listed in the following sections.

Students are advised to select the topic of their master's (diploma) thesis during the first year of the study. The departments of the faculty offer many topics for master theses each year and students can also suggest their own topics. We recommend to select the topic of your thesis primarily from the offer of the department that coordinates your study programme. If you prefer a topic offered by another department or your own topic, please consult it with the coordinator of your study programme. Work on the master's thesis is recognized by credits awarded upon taking the following courses

NSZZ023Diploma Thesis I 60/4 C0/4 C
NSZZ024Diploma Thesis II 90/6 C0/6 C
NSZZ025Diploma Thesis III 150/10 C0/10 C

A student should enrol in these courses according to instructions of their thesis advisor (after the thesis topic has been assigned). These courses can be taken between the second semester of the first year and the last semester of study, in an arbitrary order and in an arbitrary semester. The credits for these courses are assigned by the thesis advisor. The last credits for these courses should be awarded when the master's thesis has been almost completed.

The deadlines for the assignment of the master's thesis topic, submission of the completed thesis, and enrolment in the final exam are determined by the academic calendar.


A student can request an assignment of a project from the dean. The number of credits earned upon completion of the project (max. 9) is specified by the dean on the recommendation of the project advisor and the coordinator of the study programme.


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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