Web of Science Research Assistant tool trial access until 30 September 2024
Charles University has trial access to the Web of Science Research Assistant tool from 09.09.2024 to 30.09.2024.
This Assistant is a tool using generative AI that assists users in searching the Web of Science Core Collection, provides reports and visualizations of search results and offers the possibility to explore connections between topics, literature and authors. Detailed descriptions and example applications can be found here: https://webofscience.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/25929584652561-Web-of-Science-Research-Assistant
A webinar about the WoS Research Assistant is planned for 11.09. (Wednesday) at 11:00: https://clarivatesupport.webex.com/weblink/register/r70c8f6e931d88cab04bd373026ffdea7 A webinar is going to be in the Slovak language.
The assistant is available automatically after accessing WoS (it appears in the top bar or on the main page). Please access the WoS only via the eResources Portal: https://cuni.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/420CKIS_INST/gf08nd/alma9925591385206986
Outside the trial, the Assistant is an add-on functionality that requires an institutional subscription.
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