Publications 2017
- Holubec, V; Ryabov, A Diverging, but negligible power at Carnot efficiency: Theory and experiment PHYSICAL REVIEW E 96 (2017) 62107
- Tousek, J; Touskova, J; Chomutova, R; Kricka, I; Hajna, M; Stejskal, J Mobility of holes and polarons in polyaniline films assessed by frequency-dependent impedance and charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage SYNTHETIC METALS 234 (2017) 161
- Choukourov, A Chemical derivatization of N-functionalized plasma polymers: Do we miss radicals as important players and should we care for amines after all? PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS 14 (2017) e1700198
- Hanus, J; Vaidulych, M; Kylian, O; Choukourov, A; Kousal, J; Khalakhan, I; Cieslar, M; Solar, P; Biederman, H Fabrication of Ni @ Ti core-shell nanoparticles by modified gas aggregation source JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 50 (2017) 475307
- Vaidulych, M; Hanus, J; Steinhartova, T; Kylian, O; Choukourov, A; Beranova, J; Khalakhan, I; Biederman, H Deposition of Ag/a-C:H nanocomposite films with Ag surface enrichment PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS 14 (2017) e1600256
- Swilem, AE; Lehocky, M; Humpolicek, P; Kucekova, Z; Novak, I; Micusik, M; Abd El-Rehim, HA; Hegazy, EA; Hamed, AA; Kousal, J Description of D-glucosamine immobilization kinetics onto poly(lactic acid) surface via a multistep physicochemical approach for preparation of novel active biomaterials JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A 105 (2017) 3176
- Varga, M; Kopecky, D; Kopecka, J; Krivka, I; Hanus, J; Zhigunov, A; Trchova, M; Vrnata, M; Prokes, J The ageing of polypyrrole nanotubes synthesized with methyl orange EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 96 (2017) 176
- Blaha, M; Trchova, M; Bober, P; Moravkova, Z; Zujovic, ZD; Filippov, SK; Prokes, J; Pilar, J; Stejskal, J Structure and properties of polyaniline interacting with H-phosphonates SYNTHETIC METALS 232 (2017) 79
- Kousal, J; Kolpakova, A; Shelemin, A; Kudrna, P; Tichy, M; Kylian, O; Hanus, J; Choukourov, A; Biederman, H Monitoring of conditions inside gas aggregation cluster source during production of Ti/TiOx nanoparticles PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 26 (2017) 105003
- Choukourov, A; Pleskunov, P; Nikitin, D; Titov, V; Shelemin, A; Vaidulych, M; Kuzminova, A; Solar, P; Hanus, J; Kousal, J; Kylian, O; Slavinska, D; Biederman, H Advances and challenges in the field of plasma polymer nanoparticles BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY 8 (2017) 2002
- Holubec, V; Ryabov, A Work and power fluctuations in a critical heat engine PHYSICAL REVIEW E 96 (2017) 30102
- Solar, P; Polonskyi, O; Olbricht, A; Hinz, A; Shelemin, A; Kylian, O; Choukourov, A; Faupel, F; Biederman, H Single-step generation of metal-plasma polymer multicore@shell nanoparticles from the gas phase SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 (2017) 8514
- Kopecky, D; Varga, M; Prokes, J; Vrnata, M; Trchova, M; Kopecka, J; Vaclavik, M Optimization routes for high electrical conductivity of polypyrrole nanotubes prepared in presence of methyl orange SYNTHETIC METALS 230 (2017) 89
- Prencipe, I; Fuchs, J; Pascarelli, S; Schumacher, DW; Stephens, RB; Alexander, NB; Briggs, R; Buescher, M; Cernaianu, MO; Choukourov, A; De Marco, M; Erbe, A; Fassbender, J; Fiquet, G; Fitzsimmons, P; Gheorghiu, C; Hund, J; Huang, LG; Harmand, M; Hartley, NJ; Irman, A; Kluge, T; Konopkova, Z; Kraft, S; Kraus, D; Leca, V; Margarone, D; Metzkes, J; Nagai, K; Nazarov, W; Lutoslawski, P; Papp, D; Passoni, M; Pelka, A; Perin, JP; Schulz, J; Smid, M; Spindloe, C; Steinke, S; Torchio, R; Vass, C; Wiste, T; Zaffino, R; Zeil, K; Tschentscher, T; Schramm, U; Cowan, TE Targets for high repetition rate laser facilities: needs, challenges and perspectives HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 5 (2017) e17
- Subr, M; Petr, M; Kylian, O; Stepanek, J; Veis, M; Prochazka, M Anisotropic Optical Response of Silver Nanorod Arrays: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Polarization and Angular Dependences Confronted with Ellipsometric Parameters SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 (2017) 4293
- Blaha, M; Trchova, M; Bober, P; Moravkova, Z; Prokes, J; Stejskal, J Polyaniline: Aniline oxidation with strong and weak oxidants under various acidity MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 194 (2017) 206
- Kylian, O; Kratochvil, J; Petr, M; Kuzminova, A; Slavinska, D; Biederman, H; Beranova, J Ag/C:F Antibacterial and hydrophobic nanocomposite coatings FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS LETTERS 10 (2017) 1750029
- Kylian, O; Shelemin, A; Solar, P; Choukourov, A; Hanus, J; Vaidulych, M; Kuzminova, A; Biederman, H Plasma polymers: From thin films to nanocolumnar coatings THIN SOLID FILMS 630 (2017) 86
- Siler, M; Jakl, P; Brzobohaty, O; Ryabov, A; Filip, R; Zemanek, P Thermally induced micro-motion by inflection in optical potential SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 (2017) 1697
- Kolar, M; Ryabov, A; Filip, R Optomechanical oscillator controlled by variation in its heat bath temperature PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95 (2017) 42105
- Hanus, J; Libenska, H; Khalakhan, I; Kuzminova, A; Kylian, O; Biederman, H Localized surface plasmon resonance tuning via nanostructured gradient Ag surfaces MATERIALS LETTERS 192 (2017) 119
- Holubec, V; Ryabov, A; Yaghoubi, MH; Varga, M; Khodaee, A; Foulaadvand, ME; Chvosta, P Thermal Ratchet Effect in Confining Geometries ENTROPY 19 (2017) 119
- Kuzminova, A; Kretkova, T; Kylian, O; Hanus, J; Khalakhan, I; Prukner, V; Dolezalova, E; Simek, M; Biederman, H Etching of polymers, proteins and bacterial spores by atmospheric pressure DBD plasma in air JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 50 (2017) 135201
- Choukourov, A; Kylian, O; Petr, M; Vaidulych, M; Nikitin, D; Hanus, J; Artemenko, A; Shelemin, A; Gordeev, I; Kolska, Z; Solar, P; Khalakhan, I; Ryabov, A; Majek, J; Slavinska, D; Biederman, H RMS roughness-independent tuning of surface wettability by tailoring silver nanoparticles with a fluorocarbon plasma polymer NANOSCALE 9 (2017) 2616
- Stejskal, J; Bober, P; Trchova, M; Koyalcik, A; Hodan, J; Hromadkova, J; Prokes, J Polyaniline Cryogels Supported with Poly(vinyl alcohol): Soft and Conducting MACROMOLECULES 50 (2017) 972
- Blaha, M; Suchankova, A; Watzlova, E; Prokes, J; Pop-Georgievski, O Partially sulfonated polyaniline: conductivity and spectroscopic study CHEMICAL PAPERS 71 (2017) 329
- Stejskal, J; Bober, P; Trchova, M; Prokes, J Explosive hazards in polyaniline chemistry CHEMICAL PAPERS 71 (2017) 387
- Rudajevova, A; Prokes, J; Varga, M Effect of water release on thermal properties of polyaniline CHEMICAL PAPERS 71 (2017) 393
- Petr, M; Kylian, O; Kuzminova, A; Kratochvil, J; Khalakhan, I; Hanus, J; Biederman, H Noble metal nanostructures for double plasmon resonance with tunable properties OPTICAL MATERIALS 64 (2017) 276
- Stejskal, J; Bober, P; Trchova, M; Nuzhnyy, D; Bovtun, V; Savinov, M; Petzelt, J; Prokes, J Interfaced conducting polymers SYNTHETIC METALS 224 (2017) 109
- Kousal, J; Shelemin, A; Kylian, O; Slavinska, D; Biederman, H In-situ monitoring of etching of bovine serum albumin using low-temperature atmospheric plasma jet APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 392 (2017) 1049
- Kocisova, E; Petr, M; Sipova, H; Kylian, O; Prochazka, M Drop coating deposition of a liposome suspension on surfaces with different wettabilities: coffee ring'' formation and suspension preconcentration PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 19 (2017) 388
- Valtera, S; Prokes, J; Kopecka, J; Vrnata, M; Trchova, M; Varga, M; Stejskal, J; Kopecky, D Dye-stimulated control of conducting polypyrrole morphology RSC ADVANCES 7 (2017) 51495
- Tousek, J; Touskova, J; Chomutova, R; Paruzel, B; Pfleger, J Direct measurement of exciton dissociation energy in polymers AIP ADVANCES 7 (2017) 15113