Patents and utility models:
- Patent 308162 Apparatus for preparing a nanostructured superhydrophobic surface layer with a radially symmetric wettability gradient.
- Utility Model 32792 Apparatus for preparing a nanostructured superhydrophobic surface layer with a region with a radially symmetric wettability gradient.
- Utility Model 36670 A substrate with an antimicrobial surface layer, especially for respiratory masks and air filters
Monographs and chapters in books:
- Kočišová, E., Kylián, O., Procházka, M. (2024). Non-plasmonic Metal Oxide Nanostructures for SERS Applications. In: Surface- and Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy Procházka, M., Kneipp, J., Zhao, B. & Ozaki, Y. (eds). Springer, 2024.
- Březina, V; Supramolecular Complexes of Oxoporphyrinogens with Organic Molecules, Springer, 2024.
- Formation of Advanced Nanomaterials by Gas-Phase Aggregation. Kylián, O. & Popok, V.N. (eds.). MDPI, 2021.
- Kylián, O., Popok, V. N., Applications of polymer films with gas-phase aggregated nanoparticles in Cluster Beam Deposition of Functional Materials and Devices. In: Cluster Beam Deposition of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices. Milani, P. & Sowwan, M. (eds.). Elsevier, 2020.
- Ryabov, A., Stochastic Dynamics and Energetics of Biomolecular Systems, Springer, 2016.
- Holubec, V., Non-equilibrium Energy Transformation Processes. Springer, 2014.
- Kylián, O.; Choukourov, A.; Hanykova, L; Biederman, H. Plasma technology for polymer food packaging materials, In: Ecosustainable polymer nanomaterials for food packaging, eds. Silvestre, C.; Cimmino, S., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, 2013.
- Bacakova, L.; Grausova, L.; Vacik, J.; Kromka, A.; Biederman, H.; Choukourov, A.; Stary, V. Nanocomposite and Nanostructured Carbon-based Films as Growth Substrates for Bone Cells, In: Advances in diverse industrial applications of nanocomposites, ed. Reddy, B., Intechopen, 2011.
- Biederman, H., (ed.), Plasma Polymer Films, World Scientific, 2004.
- Biederman, H., Osada, Y., Plasma Polymerization Processes, Elsevier, 1992.
Articles in interantional peer-reviewed journals:
In recent years, members of our department have participated in a large number of publications in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. The list of publications sorted by individual years can be obtained here:
- 2025
- Pavlović, M; Khomiakova, N; Kočišová, E; Dopita, M; Procházka, M; Kylián, O; Porous metal/metal-oxide nanostructured coatings produced using gas aggregation sources of nanoparticles as recyclable SERS-active platforms SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 496 (2025) 131655.
- Antonov, A; Schweers, S; Ryabov, A; Maass, P; Fast Brownian cluster dynamics COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 309 (2025) 109474.
- Solař, P; Škorvánková, K; Ali-Ogly, S; Kuzminová, A; Kousal, J; Hanuš, J; Cieslar, M; Kylián, O; Investigation of the Influence of Orifice Length in a Magnetron-Based Gas Aggregation Source on Nanoparticle Flow – Experiment and Modelling VACUUM 233 (2025) 113911.
- Nikitin, D; Biederman, H; Choukourov, A; From Solid to Fluid: Novel Approaches in Neuromorphic Engineering RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY 19 (2025) e18722105305259. .
- 2024
- Stejskal, J; Fei, H; Vilčáková, J; Joseph, N; Sáha, P; Sáha, T; Grycová, B; Klemencová, K; Lestinsky, P; Trchová, M; Prokeš, J; Using tanned leather waste to derive biochars for supercapacitor electrodes in various electrolytes BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY (2024).
- Wiese, R; Kroy, K; Holubec, V; Modeling the Efficiency and Effective Temperature of Bacterial Heat Engines PHYSICAL REVIEW E 110 (2024) 064608.
- Wiese, R; Kroy, K; Holubec, V; Active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model for Bacterial Heat Engines PHYSICAL REVIEW E 110 (2024) 064609.
- Anchutkin, G; Holubec, V; Cichos, F; Run-and-tumble motion of ellipsoidal swimmers PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 6 (2024) 043101.
- Toušek, J; Toušková, J; Křivka, I; Ghasemi, B; Kuřitka, I; Urbánek, P; The use of low-frequency current fluctuations in measuring the mobility of holes in the MEH-PPV polymer SYNTHETIC METALS 309 (2024) 117764.
- Jurča, M; Munteanu, L; Vilčáková, J; Stejskal, J; Trchová, M; Prokeš, J; Křivka, I; Core–Shell Inorganic/Organic Composites Composed of Polypyrrole Nanoglobules or Nanotubes Deposited on MnZn Ferrite Microparticles: Electrical and Magnetic Properties JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES SCIENCE 8 (2024) 373.
- Stejskal, J; Jurča, M; Trchová, M; Prokeš, J; Křivka, I; In-Situ Coating of Iron with a Conducting Polymer, Polypyrrole, as a Promise for Corrosion Protection MATERIALS 17 (2024) 4783.
- Vacik, J; Ceccio, G; Lavrentiev, V; Miksova, R; Havranek, V; Pleskunov, P; Cannavòc, A; Study of surface morphology of Ag thin films prepared by sputtering and irradiation with keV Ar ion beam RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS 179 (2024) 136-145.
- Ceccio, G; Ikeda, A; Kanesue, T; Cannavò, A; Cutroneo, M; Pleskunov, P; Takahashi, K; Grove, L; Friedland, A; Okamura. M; Multilayer film coating for laser ion source target for increase of low charge state production PHYSICA SCRIPTA 99 (2024) 105012.
- Giuffrida, L; Istokskaia, V; Picciotto, A; Kantarelou, V; Barozzi, M; Dell`Anna, R; Divoky, M; Denk, O; Giubertoni, D; Grepl, F; Hadjikyriacou, A; Hanus, M; Krasa, J; Kucharik, M; Levato, T; Navratil, P; Pilar, J; Schillaci, F; Stancek, A; Tosca, M; Tryus, M; Velyhan, A; Lucianetti, A; Mocek, T; Margarone, D; A Platform for Laser-Driven Ion Sources Generated with Nanosecond Laser Pulses in the Intensity Range of 1013-1015 W/cm2 QUANTUM BEAM SCIENCE 8 (2024), 5.
- Krakovský, I; Hanyková, L; Šťastná, J; Phase transition in polymer hydrogels investigated by swelling, DSC, FTIR and NMR JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY (2024).
- Antonov, AP; Ryabov, A; Mass, P; Solitary cluster waves in periodic potentials: Formation, propagation, and soliton-mediated particle transport CHAOS, SOLITONS & FRACTALS 185 (2024) 115079.
- Natour, S; Gajdošová, V; Morávková, Z; Šlouf, M; Hodan, J; Sharma, A; Šomvársky, J; Dušková-Smrčková, M; Aspartate-based polyurea coatings: Ambient cure process and inevitable transformation of urea groups into hydantoin cycles in polyurea networks and their impact on film properties PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS 192 (2024) 108449.
- Tosca, M; Morace, A; Schollmeier, M; Steinke, S; Shirvanyan, V; Arikawa, Y; Giuffrida, L; Margarone, D; Pleskunov, P; Choukourov, A; Whitney, RR; Scammell, LR; Korn, G; Enhanced laser absorption and ion acceleration by boron nitride nanotube targets and high-energy PW laser pulses PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 6 (2024) 023326.
- Kotko, O; Šálek, P; Dvořáková, J; Dušková Smrčková, M; Šomvársky, J; Bonvent, JJ; Brochsztain, S; Šlouf, M; Proks, V; Soft micron-sized polypeptide microgels: preparation, crosslink density, topography and nanomechanics in swollen state MATERIALS ADVANCES 5 (2024) 5984.
- Procházka, M; Novák, D; Kočišová, E; Kylián, O; Ji, W; Ozaki, Y; New insights into SERS mechanism of semiconductor–metal heterostructure: A case study on vanadium pentoxide nanoparticles decorated with gold JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 128 (2024) 11732.
- Martins, LA; Ribelles, JLG; Costa, CM; Correia, DM; Lanceros-Mendez, S; Krakovský, I; Tort-Ausina, I; Isothermal crystallization of poly(vinylidene fluoride) blended with the ionic liquid [Emim]2[Co(SCN)4]: Simultaneous analysis of crystalline phases by infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry POLYMER 296 (2024) 126816.
- Antary, N; Holubec V; Matrix numerical method for probability densities of stochastic delay differential equations JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 57 (2024) 235001.
- Correa, CA; More-Chevalier, J; Hruška, O; Poupon, M; Novotný, M; Minarik, P; Hubík, P; Lukáč, F; Fekete, L; Prokop, D; Hanuš, J; Valenta, J; Fitl, P; Lančok, J; Microstructure and physical properties of black-aluminum antireflective films RSC ADVANCES 14 (2024) 15220.
- Hanyková, L; Šťastná, J; Krakovský, I; Responsive Acrylamide-Based Hydrogels: Advances in Interpenetrating Polymer Structures GELS 10 (2024) 414.
- Kouao, DS; Hanuš, J; Kylián, O; Simerova, R; Sezemsky, P; Stranak, V; Grochowska, K; Siuzdak, K; Double-sided semitransparent titania photoelectrode with enhanced light harvesting RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 197 (2024) 114390.
- Kouao, DS; Grochowska, K; Stranak, V; Sezemsky, P; Gumieniak, J; Kramek, A; Karczewski, J; Coy, E; Hanuš, J; Kylián, O; Sawczak, M; Siuzdak, K; Laser-treated MXene as an Electrochemical Agent to Boost Properties of Semitransparent Photoelectrode-based on Titania nanotubes ACS NANO 18 (2024) 10165.
- Ghasemi, B; Ševčík, J; Toušková, J; Toušek, J; Klosse, P; Nádaždy, V; Végsö, K; Šiffalovič, P; Hanulíková, B; Urbánek, M; Kuřitka, I; Urbánek, P; Trade-off between high performance and long life due to nanofiller effects in polymer LEDs: MEH-PPV/Al2O3 nanocomposite study APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 657 (2024) 159807.
- Pleskunov, P; Protsak, M; Krtouš, Z; Košutová, T; Tosca, M; Biliak, K; Červenková, V; Nikitin, D; Hanuš, J; Cieslar, M; Gordeev, I; Dopita, M; Vorochta, M; Martinu, L; Choukourov, A; Refractory Plasmonics of Reactively Sputtered Hafnium Nitride Nanoparticles: Pushing Limits ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 12 (2024) 2302715.
- Kalachova, T; Jindřichová, B; Pospíchalová, R; Prukner, V; Fujera, J; Artemenko, A; Jančík, J; Antonova, A; Kylián, O; Burketová, L; Šimek, M; Homola, T; Plasma treatment modifies element distribution in seed coating and affects further germination and plant growth through interaction with soil microbiome JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 72 (2024) 5609.
- Kočišová, E; Kuzminova, A; Kuižová, A; Hanková, A; Košutová, T; Procházka, M; Kylián, O; V2O5 nanoparticle films as a platform for plasmon-free surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 50 (2024) 10026.
- Bajtošová, L; Kihoulou, B; Králík, R; Hanuš, J; Cieslar, M; Nickel Nanoparticles: Insights into Sintering Dynamics CRYSTALS 14 (2024) 321.
- Št’astná, J; Škorvánková, K; Kuzminova, A; Hanuš, J; Hanyková, L; Krakovský, I; Solař, P; Insoluble Network Skeleton and Soluble Components of Nylon 6,6-Sputtered Nanoparticles: Insights from Liquid-State and Solid-State NMR Analysis NANOMATERIALS 14 (2024) 497.
- Soukupová, G; Jindra, M; Lapka, T; Živcová Vlčková, Z; Dendisová, M; Prokeš, J; Frank, O; Hassouna, F; Novel silicon nanoparticles-based carbonized polypyrrole nanotube composites as anode materials for Li-ion batteries JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 593 (2024) 233976.
- Jurča, M; Vilčáková, J; Kazantseva, NE; Munteanu, A; Muntenau, L; Sedlačík, M; Stejskal, J; Trchová, M; Prokeš, J; Conducting and Magnetic Hybrid Polypyrrole/Nickel Composites and Their Application in Magnetorheology MATERIALS 17 (2024) 151.
- Protsak, M; Biliak, K; Nikitin, D; Pleskunov, P; Tosca, M; Ali-Ogly, S; Hanuš, J; Hanyková, L; Červenková, V; Sergievskaya, A; Konstantinidis, S; Cornil, D; Cornil, J; Cieslar, M; Košutová, T; Popelář, T; Ondič, L; Choukourov, A; One-step synthesis of photoluminescent nanofluids by direct loading of reactively sputtered cubic ZrN nanoparticles into organic liquids NANOSCALE 16 (2024) 2452-2465.
- Toušek, J; Toušková, J; Křivka. I; Product of mobility and lifetime of charge carriers in CdTe determined from low-frequency current fluctuations SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (2024) 899.
- Kouao, DS; Hanuš, J; Kylián, O; Simerova, R; Sezemsky, P; Stranak, V; Grochowska, K; Siuzdak, K; Photoelectrochemical and Electrochemical Activity of Anodic Semitransparent Aligned and Spaced Titania Nanotubes Formed out of TitaniumSilver Alloys ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 7 (2024) 1548–1561.
- Ryabov, A; Tasinkevych, M; Nanoswimmers in a ratchet potential: Effects of a transverse rocking force JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 393 (2024) 123566.