
Department of Algebra

Alexey Barsukov, Ph.D.

Alexey Barsukov
Researcher | KA
Room K 307 (4005)
Constraint satisfaction, universal algebra.

prof. Mgr. Libor Barto, Ph.D.

Libor Barto
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3359
Room K 307 (4005)
Computational complexity, universal algebra, in particular constraint satisfaction problems.

Isaac Bird, Ph.D.

Isaac Bird
Researcher | KA
Room Zirkon, m.74 (4. p.)
Homological algebra and category theory.

RNDr. Jan Bok, Ph.D.

Jan Bok
Researcher | KA
Room K 307 (4005)
Constraint satisfaction problems, algorithms, graph theory and combinatorics.

Bc. Johanka Čablíková,

Johanka Čablíková
Staff, secretary | KA
Phone 951 55 3242
Room K 308 (4006)

Mgr. Martin Čech, Ph.D.

Martin Čech
Researcher | KA
Phone 723 037 809
Room Zirkon, m.19 (1. p.)
Analytic number theory, distribution of prime numbers, L-functions, multiple Dirichlet series.

Souvik Dey, Ph.D.

Souvik Dey
Researcher | KA
Phone 951 55 3420
Room Zirkon,m.13 (1.p.)
Commutative algebra, homological algebra, category theory.

prof. RNDr. Aleš Drápal, CSc., DSc.

Aleš Drápal
Professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3233
Room K 327 (4012a)
Algebraic and combinatorial properties of binary systems (loops, quasigroups, left distributivity).

Stefano Fioravanti, Ph.D.

Stefano Fioravanti
Universal algebra and its applications to theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence in algebra.

doc. Faruk Göloglu, Dr. rer. nat.

Faruk Göloglu
Assistant professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3244
Room K 331 (4015)
Boolean functions, finite fields and their applications in cryptography.

Dr. rer. nat. Siu Hang Man, Ph.D.

Siu Hang Man
Researcher | KA
Phone 951 55 3420
Room Zirkon, m.19 (1. p.)
Analytic number theory.

doc. Mgr. Štěpán Holub, Ph.D.

Štěpán Holub
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3349
Room K 333 (4018)
Combinatorics of words, formalization of mathematics.

doc. Mgr. Vítězslav Kala, Ph.D.

Vítězslav Kala
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3420
Room Zirkon, m.19 (1. p.)
Number theory, universal quadratic forms, class numbers, generalized continued fractions, semifields.

prof. RNDr. Tomáš Kepka, DrSc.

Tomáš Kepka
Professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3236
Room K 327 (4012a)
Elementary number theory, non-associative algebra.

Michael Kompatscher, Ph.D.

Michael Kompatscher
Assistant professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3317
Room K 315 (4059)
Universal algebra and algorithms, constraint satisfaction problems.

prof. RNDr. Jan Krajíček, DrSc.

Jan Krajíček
Professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3239
Room K 329 (4013)
Mathematical logic and proof complexity in particular.

Jun Maillard, Ph.D.

Jun Maillard
Researcher | KA
Phone 951 55 3420
Room Zirkon, m.13 (1.p.)
Homological algebra, category theory.

Sebastian Opper, Ph.D.

Sebastian Opper
Researcher | KA
Room Zirkon, m.74 (4. p.)
Representation theory of algebras and derived categories.

Dayoon Park, Ph.D.

Dayoon Park
Researcher | KA
Phone 951 55 3420
Room Zirkon, m.19 (1. p.)
The arithmetic theory of quadratic forms and lattices.

RNDr. Zuzana Patáková, Ph.D.

Zuzana Patáková
Assistant professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3238
Room K 313 (4011)
Discrete and computational geometry, algebraic and topological combinatorics.

doc. Mgr. Pavel Příhoda, Ph.D.

Pavel Příhoda
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3245
Room K 309 (4007)
Ring theory.

Subham Roy, Ph.D.

Subham Roy
Researcher | KA
Phone 777 416 205
Room Zirkon, m.12(1. p.)
Mahler measure, modular forms, elliptic curves, universal forms, function field arithmetic.

doc. Mgr. Pavel Růžička, Ph.D.

Pavel Růžička
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3245
Room K 309 (4007)
Lattice theory, module theory.

Liran Shaul, Ph.D.

Liran Shaul
Assistant professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3240
Room K 330 (4014)
Commutative algebra, homological algebra, derived categories.

doc. RNDr. David Stanovský, Ph.D.

David Stanovský
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3359
Room K 307 (4005)
Non-associative algebraic structures, self-distributivity and algebraic invariants of knots, universal algebra, automated theorem proving.

doc. Mgr. Jan Šaroch, Ph.D.

Jan Šaroch
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3244
Room K 331 (4015)
Set theoretic aspect of module theory.

doc. RNDr. Jan Šťovíček, Ph.D.

Jan Šťovíček
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3241
Room K 337
Representation theory of associative algebras, homological algebra, connections to homotopy theory and algebraic geometry.

prof. RNDr. Jan Trlifaj, CSc., DSc.

Jan Trlifaj
Professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3230
Room K 311 (4010)
Representation theory, commutative and homological algebra.

doc. RNDr. Jiří Tůma, DrSc.

Jiří Tůma
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3240
Room K 330 (4014)
Lattice representation theory, applications of algebra in computer science.

Mgr. Martina Vaváčková,

Martina Vaváčková
Staff, secretary | KA
Phone 951 55 3420
Room Zirkon, m.19 (1. p.)
Grant manager.

Robin Visser, Ph.D.

Robin Visser
Researcher | KA
Phone 702 955 811
Room Zirkon, m.12 (1. p.)
Computational number theory, Explicit arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves, Abelian surfaces, Galois representations, Faltings' theorem (the Shafarevich conjecture).

Jordan Williamson, Ph.D.

Jordan Williamson
Researcher | KA
Room Zirkon, m.74 (4. p.)
Equivariant stable homotopy theory, derived commutative algebra.

Dmitrii Zhuk, Ph.D.

Dmitrii Zhuk
Researcher | KA
Phone 951 55 3317
Room K 315 (4059)
Clone theory, computational complexity, constraint satisfaction problems.

doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Žemlička, Ph.D.

Jan Žemlička
Associate professor | KA
Phone 951 55 3349
Room K 333 (4018)
Structural ring theory. Modules and Abelian groups. Abelian categories.

Oficial list of employees at the faculty website.