Algebra seminar

Current seminar:
Monday, February 17, 2025, 3:30 - 4:30 pm, room K2 and via ZOOM

Pat Lank (Univ. Milano): Approximability in noncommutative flavors of algebraic geometry

Abstract: Recently, two significant conjectures have been resolved using approximable triangulated categories: the Bondal-Van den Bergh conjecture and the Antieau-Gepner-Heller conjecture. This talk, which is joint work with De Deyn and Manali Rahul, will highlight recent developments in applying the theory of approximability (à la Neeman) to noncommutative flavors of algebraic geometry. The focus will be on derived categories arising from noncommutative coherent algebras over a scheme. Our work, both present and ongoing, yields a noncommutative generalization of both conjectures, which paves the way to better understanding the structure of such categories in this setting.

24.2. -  TBA 
Previous program:

The Algebra Seminar was founded by Vladimir Korinek in the early 1950's and continued by Karel Drbohlav until 1981. The seminar resumed its activities in 1990 under the guidance of Jaroslav Jezek and Tomas Kepka. Since 1994, the seminar is headed by Jan Trlifaj.

Presently, the seminar is supported by GACR. It serves primarily as a platform for presentation of recent research of the visitors to the Department of Algebra as well as members of the Department and their students.