Postdoc Positions

Several postdoc positions in theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics are available at the School of Computer Science of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague. The positions are hosted at the Computer Science Institute of Charles University, Department of Applied Mathematics, and Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic.   Applications are invited from candidates who have a strong background in computer science and/or mathematics and complete their Ph.D. degree by summer 2024.

Starting date: Summer or Fall 2024.

Duration: 1 year, with a possibility of an extension up to two years total.

Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant area obtained in year 2017 or later and before the starting date, and a strong publication record in impact journals and/or high-quality selective conference proceedings in the relevant area.

The positions are funded by several projects listed below together with their principal investigators and other possible mentors.

The typical postdoc salary is 60,000 CZK/month. The national health insurance scheme covers our postdocs. The price level in Prague can be estimated at Numbeo. Informal inquiries are welcome and may be sent to the principal investigators or possible mentors listed above.


The application should indicate the area of interest and/or possible mentors and contain:

Application deadline: January 31, 2024, to be fully considered. All applications received by January 31, 2024, will be considered. After that, applications will be processed as received, until the positions are filled.

The application and two letters of recommendation should be sent electronically to The referees can send their letters directly to the indicated email. In both cases, make sure that the name of the applicant is contained in the subject.