Department of Mathematical Analysis
Anna Balci, Ph.D.
calculus of variations, regularity theory and numerical analysis for nonlinear models
doc. RNDr. Tomáš Bárta, Ph.D.
Evolutionary and integrodifferential equations, ordinary differential equations, asymptotic behavior
Mgr. Barbora Benešová, Ph.D.
Calculus of variations and weak lower semicontinuity; Partial differential equations - existence of weak solutions; Applications in continuum mechanics - models of solids and their mathematical analysis
Tania Biswas, M.Sc., Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Marek Cúth, Ph.D.
nonseparable Banach spaces (and related topics in topology and set theory), nonlinear geometry of Banach spaces (most importantly study of ``Lipschitz-free Banach spaces'')
Marc Fehling, Ph.D.
prof. RNDr. Stanislav Hencl, Ph.D.
Geometric Function Theory, Mappings of finite distortion, properties of the Jacobian, Functions of several real variables, weak differentiability, approximation, Calculus of Variations, Function Spaces
doc. RNDr. Petr Holický, CSc.
Descriptive set theory - Borel, analytic, Suslin, ... sets, mappings, spacesů descriptive properties of concrete sets in analysis.
Topological properties of Banach spaces, some topics from the theory of real functions, functional analysis, and topology.
doc. Mgr. Petr Honzík, Ph.D.
prof. RNDr. Miroslav Hušek, DrSc.
General topology (including uniform spaces and topological groups)
doc. RNDr. Michal Johanis, Ph.D.
Functional analysis, Banach spaces, geometry and structure, isomorphic theory, renormings - smoothness and convexity, analysis in Banach spaces.
prof. RNDr. Ondřej Kalenda, Ph.D., DSc.
Banach spaces - geometric and topological structures, quantitative
versions of their properties, measures of weak non-compactness.
Operator algebras and Jordan structures, mainly from the point
of view of Banach space theory.
Classes of nonseparable Banach spaces and related classes of compact
Descriptive topology and compact convex sets.
doc. Mgr. Petr Kaplický, Ph.D.
Partial differential equations. Far from equilibrium open systems.
Kim Kristian Myyryläinen, M.Sc., Ph.D.
RNDr. Kristýna Kuncová, Ph.D.
Theory of integral, Kurzweil integral and generalizations
Dr. rer. nat. Malte Laurens Kampschulte,
Calculus of Variations, Geometric measure theory, Continuum mechanics, Partial differential equations, Nonlinear analysis
Oleksandr Minakov, Ph.D.
Integrable partial differential equations: long-time asymptotic analysis of initial value problems with step-like initial data (modified Korteweg - de Vries equation,
Camassa - Holm equation, nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Korteweg - de Vries equation, etc). Direct and inverse scattering transforms for non-decreasing and increasing potentials. Riemann - Hilbert problems and asymptotic methods for oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems. Further interests: orthogonal polynomials, Painlevé equations, random matrices.
prof. RNDr. Luboš Pick, CSc., DSc.
Function spaces, symmetrisation, rearrangement-invariant spaces, Orlicz
spaces, Lorentz spaces, embeddings, compact embeddings, optimality,
logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, infinite-dimensional analysis on
Gaussian spaces, trace theorems, transfer of regularity from data to
solutions in differential equations, optimal partnership of function
spaces, interpolation theory, approximation theory, boundedness and
compactness of operators, measure of noncompactness, supremum operators,
integral operators, discretisation, weighted inequalities, elementary
topics from analysis, elementary inequalities and estimates,
recreational mathematics, history of mathematics, popularisation of
mathematics, translation of books.
doc. RNDr. Dalibor Pražák, Ph.D.
Partial differential equations, dynamical systems.
Non-standard analysis, game theory.
doc. RNDr. Pavel Pyrih, CSc.
Continuum Theory, construction of spaces with given property. local properties of continua, homogeneity of continua.
doc. RNDr. Mirko Rokyta, CSc.
PDE, in particular hyperbolic systems of conservaion laws, numerical analysis of finite volume method, popularization of mathematics
doc. Sebastian Schwarzacher, Dr.
Nonlinear partial differential equations (existence, uniqueness, regularity, numerical analysis)
Fluid dynamics (Fluid-structure interactions, compressible fluids, non-Newtonian Fluids)
Calculus of variations (non-standard growth, rate independent systems, elastic solids)
Theory of Numerics for PDEs (time schemes, convergence rates, Galerkin methods)
Analysis of evolutionary non-linear PDEs (variable domains, intrinsic geometry, systems with variable contact interface)
doc. RNDr. Lenka Slavíková, Ph.D.
Banach function spaces, Sobolev-type spaces, linear and multilinear multipliers, singular integral operators, maximal functions, weighted inequalities
prof. RNDr. Jiří Spurný, Ph.D., DSc.
Integral representation of convex sets; Choquet theory; Banach spaces and
algebras; operator spaces and their geometrical and topological
doc. Mgr. Benjamin Vejnar, Ph.D.
General topology, continuum theory, Polish spaces, Borel reductions, topological dynamical systems
RNDr. Václav Vlasák, Ph.D.
Classical Descriptive Set Theory, Real and harmonic
doc. RNDr. Miloš Zahradník, CSc.
Matematická statistická fyzika. Kombinace analytických, pravděpodobnostních ale i kombinatorických metod při studiu rovnovážných stavů (matematicky: "Gibbsovských měr") velkých systémů o mnoha interagujících komponentách.
Možná témata bakalářských prací s dalšími partiemi matematiky ležícími na pomezí analýzy, algebry, diskrétní matematiky a s aplikacemi, zvláště ve fyzice.
Na úrovni koníčka: meteorologie a matematické aspekty jejích dat.
doc. RNDr. Miroslav Zelený, Ph.D.
Descriptive set theory. Real and harmonic analysis.