Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop XXVIII

July 31 - August 4, 2023, Prague

Programme (tentative)

All lectures take place in room S5 at the building of Charles University, Malostranske namesti 25. The times are only indicative and are subject to change.
Morning Registration
9:20 Welcome and organizational remarks
9:25-10:00Misha TyomkynA new approach for the Brown-Erdos-Sos problem
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15Peter CameronSylvester designs
11:15-11:45Tomáš KaiserIndependent transversals in graphs
11:45-12:30Jan HubičkaRamsey theorems for trees
9:00-9:30Ida KantorUNCE Day: Metric spaces with many degenerate triangles
9:30-10:00Jakub BulínUNCE Day: Short definitions in constraint languages
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-10:55 Bertalan Bodor New pseudoloop lemmas
11:00-11:30 Pavel Valtr Three edge-disjoint plane paths on n points
11:35-12:05 Miklos Ruszinko Linear Hypergraphs
12:10-12:40 Rosemary A. Bailey Latin cubes
9:00-9:30 Stevo Todorčević Borsuk-Ulam Theorem in Higher Dimensions?
9:30-10:00 David Evans Some problems on homogeneous structures
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-10:50 Samuel Braunfeld Aut(M)-invariant measures on some omega-categorical structures
10:50-11:15 Colin Jahel Asymptotic theories and homomorphically avoided structures
11:20-11:40 Aris Papadopoulos Approximate Ramsey Properties
11:45-12:15 Ricardo Strausz 9-points in E^3
12:20-12:45 Martin Koutecký Two Novel Models of Opinion Diffusion
Afternoon-∞Awesome social event (see details)
9:30-10:00 Jan Kratochvíl Graph Covers and Generalised Snarks
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 Wiesław Kubiś Homogeneous ultrametric structures
11:05-11:30 Andres Aranda HH-homogeneous graphs built from cliques
11:35-12:00 Adam Bartoš Homogeneous isosceles-free metric spaces
12:05-12:35 Dragan Mašulović Tukey reducibility for categories - a search for the strongest finite Ramsey statement
12:40-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-14:55 Michal Dvořák Target Set Selection in Sparse and Geometric Networks
15:00-15:15 Imane Talbaoui Spectral monomorphy and Hadamard tournaments
15:20-15:45 Hanka Řada Flip processes on permutons
15:50-16:20 Robert Šámal Bounds on functionality and symmetric difference
9:00-9:25 Miltiadis Karamanlis Forbidden Sparse Intersections
9:30-10:00 Noé de Rancourt Oscillation-stability for l_∞
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-10:55 Nadav Meir Ramsey and generalised indiscernibles
11:00-11:25 Dana Bartošová Transferring the Ramsey property by semi-retractions
11:30-12:10 Sławomir Solecki Dual Ramsey Theorem for Trees

Wednesday social programme

On Wednesday we go to the Czech National Gallery to the Trade Fair Palace. We meet in the lobby of the gallery at 15:20, one can get there from the department by tram 12 to the stop Strossmayerovo nám. and then walk ca. 250 m. You need a 30 CZK ticket for the ride. The last possible tram leaves at 15:00, some of the organizers will take that tram.

Afterwards, we go to the V Zahradě restaurant. The plan is to meet at 17:45 in front of the Gallery and walk there together via the Stromovka park.


The workshop continues the tradition of Prague Combinatorial Workshops held since 1993. Oriented on problems of all fields of graph theory, combinatorics and discrete geometry, it will continue in the spirit and informal working atmosphere of the previous meetings.

The workshop takes place at DIMATIA and the Department of Applied Mathematics of Charles University, Malostranske namesti 25, Prague 1, which is located in a historic building in the center of Old Prague. The workshop is also supported by Computer Science Institute of Charles University.

The workshop participation is by invitation only. Regardless, if you wish to participate, please email the organizers and we will respond to you shortly. In case you need an invitation letter (for example for your visa), please let us know and we will be happy to write one for you.

Coffee breaks and part of the meals are provided by the organizers. However, we will collect a modest fee of EUR 80 towards a fraction of the expenses.

As is the tradition, the program of the workshop is determined from day to day. The afternoons are reserved for discussions and other activities. If you intend to give a talk during the MCW, please let us know a few days in advance.

If you arrive later during the workshop, please register with the secretaries in the room 222 (at the 2nd floor).

On Wednesday afternoon, there will be an awesome social event.

This workshop is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 810115)


Besides the workshop itself, you are free to use the following facilities of our departments:

  • Two open lounges with tables, chairs and a whiteboard opposite the Lecture Room S5. You can take the lounges on a first come, first serve basis. Great for working on open problems in the afternoon!
  • Two open lounges with tables, chairs and a whiteboard on the third floor, directly above the lounges on the second floor. Same rules apply.
  • Water coolers in the hall with the open lounges -- both on second and third floor.

If you need anything else, contact the organizers.

Travel info (public transport)

For the public transportation you can buy a 90-minute ticket for 40 CZK or 30-minute for 30 CZK in a newsstand or in a vending machine. Some vending machines only accept coins (no credit cards, no paper money).

The ticket needs to be validated (in a magic yellow validating machine with a shining arrow). The validating machines are located inside buses and trams. In the Metro subway system, the machine is located at the entryway to the station.

If you need to find a tram connection, you can use the official website. The department building is located near the tram stop "Malostranske namesti". You can see it from the tram stop. It is this building.

Useful routes:

Airport -> Karolinum Hotel

  • From airport to Karolinum take bus number 119 to Nadrazi Veleslavin station (last stop).
  • Transfer to Metro subway A (green line) and take it to the station Staromestska.
  • Exit the subway and continue on foot:

Airport -> Karolinum Hotel

  • From airport to Karolinum take bus number 119 to Nadrazi Veleslavin station (last stop).
  • Transfer to Metro subway A (green line) and take it to the station Staromestska.
  • Exit the subway and continue on foot:
  • Take the Kaprova street to the Old Town Square.
  • From the Old Town Square go through the Celetna street to your hotel.

Karolinum Hotel -> MCW

  • Walk to the Subway station Staromestska.
  • Take the Metro subway line A (direction: Nemocnice Motol) to Malostranska.
  • Exit the subway at Malostranska and take one stop with any of the following trams: 12, 15 or 20 to Malostranske namesti.


All e-mail correspondence concerning the workshop (e.g. registration, accommodation) should be directed to mcw@@kam.mff.cuni.cz.

organizers: Jaroslav Nesetril, Jan Hubicka, Matej Konecny

Previous Workshops