

Friday 25.3.2022, 11:00 -11:50, ENGLISH

Institution: Dornoch Academy

Subjects: Physics, chemistry

Spectacular science demonstrations and magic illusions have many things in common. They involve practice, showmanship, audience interaction and suspense followed by a moment of astonishment This workshop will show an exciting selection of magic "tricks" which are in fact demonstrations of hidden science. Use them as introductions to topics or simply as puzzles for students to solve. It is important, as in all science, to observe carefully and ask the right questions if you want the correct answers! Secrets will be revealed!


Institution: Gymnasium Starnberg

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science, Diversity in STEM education

In the workshop, several of the arrangements or experiments presented in the "Click your Circuit" project will be created and performed. It is particularly suitable for teachers who teach physics, biology or chemistry in the age groups from 11 to 19. In the workshop will be built: UV LED lamp, conductivity tester, examples from the experiment system for magnetic boards and the connection of sensors (opto-reflective sensor, pulse sensor).


Institution: Berger-Höhe Grundschule; Schüler-Forschungszentrum; Seminar Weingarten

Subjects: Physics, Science, Language, speaking & listening skills

In our experiment series we would like to introduce elementary school children to the phenomenon of acoustics with many descriptive, explorative and yet simple experiments. The experiments are divided into the following areas: perceiving sound, generating sound and investigating sound. We will present our concept, discuss the use in the classroom, what materials can be used and what expertise is needed. In the workshop everyone can make a few demonstration objects and take them home afterwards. Finally we will solve the research question why we can hear the bee and the bumblebee but not the butterfly and what this question has to do with acoustics.


Institution: Gymnázium Kroměříž

Subjects: Physics, Science, Art, Primary education, Collaboration in STEM education, Diversity in STEM education

We are going to make the rubber band powered helicopter is a very useful school project suitable for a wide age range. The design brings out many intersections between technology and physics. The aim is to show pupils that it is necessary to have a science background to make a rigid lightweight structure that can fly easily and is stable and powerful. It is surprising to a large number of children how easy it is to build a propeller from a cotton bud, a PET bottle and a piece of wire. The finished helicopter is a useful tool for the physics classroom, showing the transformations of mechanical energy.


Institution: Cumnor Primary School & Artful Fox Creatives

Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Natural science, Primary

In this workshop, Jules will share a story about air pollution, ‘Doffa’s Reindeer’ (Artful Fox Creatives, 2021). Air pollution is a tricky subject for younger children as they cannot see it or touch it. Jules was asked to write this story to help young children to understand what air pollution is and why it is a problem. It was developed as part of The Great Science Share for Schools, 2021. A video of Jules telling her story (alongside some teaching resources) can be found on the GSSfS website (


Institution: Institut Carles Vallbona

Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Computer science/ICT, Science, Robotics, Social studies, Health education, Primary education, SDG´s, Diversity in STEM education, Secondary education

A series of educational proposals associated with robotics and different STEM areas are collected through the use of Sphero robots. These act as learning tools in a more attractive environment for students. They have sensors that allow you to track kinematic variables. Sphero Bolt also floats in water, so you can work in the field of fluid dynamics. Here are some examples of its applicability. Finally, his work environment, Sphero Edu, is very intuitive. It can be programmed in different levels of complexity, from drawing to using Javascript. All this with the possibility of sending written messages or sounds, allowing a more inclusive learning (sensory diversity, for example).


Institution: IES David Buján

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Collaboration in STEM education

Being Biomaker is part of an Erasmus+ project and its main objective is to promote the teaching of biotechnology in secondary education by building laboratory tools. We have developed free software and hardware instruments like stirrers, Eppendorf tube centrifuge, bacteria incubator, thin-film, and agarose electrophoresis, colorimeter, flow camera, and other useful equipment ready to build. Cheap materials, open software, and hardware are the keys to making this project successful in Europe and Africa where we have tested with our partners from North Macedonia, Lithuania, Italy or Mozambique. Documentation available on the project


Friday 25.3.2022, 12:10 -13:00, SonS Brainstorming Sessions, ENGLISH

Institution: SonSEU

Subjects: STEM, primary

You are invited to come along and share your ideas at our lunchtime brainstorming session.

How can the "4 Cs" of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking with STEM be incorporated into videos and other resources for younger learners ?

Institution: SonSEU

Subjects: STEM, secondary

STEM for Well-Being

Personalised medicine, simulating diseases, analysing health data, nutrition, exercise, preventive measures -these are just some of the many topics STEM contributes significantly to in terms of health and well-being.

What are your ideas to incorporate these topics in your STEM classes?

We invite you to come along to our lunchtime brainstorming session to develop a new international project.

Friday 25.3.2022, 14:00 - 14:50, ENGLISH

Institution: NOBEL Algarve British International School

Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Science, Art

"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein This workshop will be a sharing of 6 very simple, low cost, STEAM activities that can be developed by children from pre-school to primary school. They are activities that seek to demonstrate how we can learn from nature how it solves problems such as lack of space, the need to save materials, how it protects itself from various threats, how it acquires its strength and how it stays clean and dry. Experimental activities will be carried out, in which each one will provide the answer to one of the problems mentioned. The activities cover geometric shapes, such as the sphere and hexagon, structures that give stability such as columns and catenary, the property of waxes being hydrophobic as well as the surface tension of water. During the workshop the activity will be carried out in groups of 4 elements. Come and experiment with us, we have a very special guest, Nature. Today we invited the bee, the snail and some plants.

Institution: Taipalsaari Kirkonkylän koulu

Subjects: Mathematics, Language, speaking & listening skills, Social studies, Art, Drama, Collaboration in STEM education, Diversity in STEM education

You will be wellcome to solve problems of escaperoom of mirrors. Please work with team. Let everyone have they own turn to do problemsolvingand and give answers. Look for clues. Try to remember numbers. Listen to eachother! There will be arrows to show you the way from task to another. If something (periscope, flashlight)is attached to the table or attaced to the floor, please do not take them away! Give us mark-raise your hand , if you need any help. If you hear the bell ringing, please stop talking and listen carefully. The escaperoom will start with butterfly and end with butterfly. See you!

Institution: University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, Department of General and Environmental Physics

Subjects: Physics, Art

Despite how natural sounds are to us, sometimes it can be surprising how sounds are produced, which factors affect the sounds instruments make or why can the same musical notes sound so differently to our ears. Fortunately, with the help of today’s technology students can easily investigate these questions even on their own. In the first part of the workshop we will show some examples for this. With homemade instruments the students can also create their own band without significant musical knowledge to experience the joy of playing music together. Our goal is to show how this can be done with music and different musical instruments in focus. In the second part of the workshop we will demonstrate the operation of three different homemade instruments with the help of our participants. According to our intentions we close the workshop with playing a polyphonic melody together.

Institution: Tadeusz Kosciuszko High School in Wielun

Subjects: Physics, Diversity in STEM education

The workshop teaches how to see and apply the laws of physics in simple experiments involving a candle and its flame. Material adapted for young people aged 14 and over. Some experiments can also be shown to children even in kindergartens to get them interested in the world around them. Physical phenomena caused by lit candle and its extraordinary flame will be shown in a non-obvious way. For instance, the way the candle flame behaves in the electric field or when the flame assumes the shape of so-called "Napoleon's hat". How does the candle flame behave in a rotating system? What is the difference between the spectrums of light emitted by candles depending on their chemical composition? You will also see a spectacular demonstration of convection in the air and ionization of gases in the flame of the candle. Participants will work in groups of 3 people. There will be a mini competition with prizes (attractive scented candles).

Institution: Temple Carrig School, Greystones

Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Computer science/ICT, Health education, Big data, Collaboration in STEM education

A series of laboratory activities on the theme of biotechnology and food has been designed and developed for secondary school students. The aim of the project is to improve students' conceptual understanding and investigative laboratory skills by framing these activities in an inquiry-based, structured problem-solving approach in real-world contexts. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to get a taste of these hands-on activities which include: developing microbiology lab skills to investigate ‘probiotic’ lactic acid bacteria in fermented food; PCR-based diagnostics for the detection of Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) strains; bioinformatics/proteomics activities analysing Shiga toxin proteins using mass spec data and online tools for toxin detection.

Institution: Gymnasium Kirschgarten, Basel

Subjects: Chemistry, Biology

The Project “To Bee or not to Bee was “born” from a teaching unit about sugars. The approach was shifted from a rather analytical lab course to a more interdisciplinary and global topic. The project starts with the storytelling part about “honeygate”, a real crime investigation about adulterated and fake honey. In the workshop we will perform a series of hands-on experiments including the measurement of the water and sugar content in different honeys, the production of artificial honey, the biological and chemical analysis of honey and more. Furthermore we will present the honey bee as a model organism in teaching biology. This includes aspects of anatomy and physiology, evolution, genetics and behavioural science. Finally a quiz about honey and bees will shown on two different digital platforms.

Saturday 26.3.2022, 10:00 - 10:50, CZECH

Institution: Nadační fond Eduzměna


Několik žáků v poloprázdné třídě a ti zbylí doma u počítače, to je realita nedávno minulé doby. Hybridní výuka však covidem nemusí skončit, je možné využít ji pokaždé, když nějaký žák chybí a je připraven se připojit. Výhodami a případnými úskalími hybridní výuky provede zájemce v rámci jedné ukázkové hodiny Gabriela Urbanová, která učí děti na prvním stupni Základní školy Zruč nad Sázavou. 

Těšit se můžete na práci s aplikací Jamboard, a to v rámci výuky matematiky a českého jazyka. Vlastní zařízení (notebook, tablet) výhodou, možnost připojení i přes mobilní telefon.

Se zaváděním této formy kombinované výuky pomáhali na zručské škole experti z Elixíru do škol, a to v rámci právě probíhajícího pilotního projektu Nadačního fondu Eduzměna.

Institution: Roche (School laboratory EXPERIO Roche)

Subjects: Chemie

Jak funguje zmizík na inkoust? Proč při použití zmizíku inkoust zmizí a kam se ztratí? Experiment je zaměřen na utváření hypotéz a konkrétní přístup k novému úkolu / nové otázce na základě oblasti výzkumu (otázka, hypotéza, experiment, pozorování, dokumentace, úvaha). Praktický experiment by měl navíc sloužit jako podnět pro popis některých jevů jako např.: Brownův pohyb částic, částice, molekuly, molarita, reakce, barvy, světlo, absorpce, odrazivost, kyselé báze, indikátory nebo stanovení obsahu.

Jakou barvu má vaše žízeň? Je fialová skutečně fialová a jaké barvy má vaše šuměnka? Experiment je zaměřen na utváření hypotéz a konkrétní přístup k novému úkolu / nové otázce na základě oblasti výzkumu (otázka, hypotéza, experiment, pozorování, dokumentace, úvaha). Praktický experiment by měl navíc sloužit jako podnět pro popis některých jevů jako např.: částice, molekuly, barvy, světlo, absorpce, odrazivost, adsorpce, rozpustnost nebo chromatografie.

Institution: GZ Media


Během workshopu ukážeme, jak jsme s dětmi v robotickém kroužku sestrojili jednoduchý gramofon. Přehrávač je zkonstruován z běžných součástek ze stavebnic pro děti. Rychlost otáčení desky gramofonu je řízena softwarem naprogramovaným v oblíbeném programovacím jazyce, vhodném pro děti ze základních škol. Na našem workshopu si každý může vyzkoušet mechanickou konstrukci, základy akustiky a zvuku a také programování. Jde o pochopení vztahu mezi rychlostí rotace vinylové desky a kvalitou produkovaného zvuku.

Institution: PRUSA Research a.s.


Seznámíme vás se všemi novinkami, které Prusa Research nabízí v oblasti školství. A není jich málo: Do programu Průša pro školy se již zapojilo více než 1500 škol a dalších vzdělávacích institucí. Díky tomu máme v databázi projektů obrovské množství modelů napříč všemi školními předměty a volnočasovými aktivitami. Přiblížíme vám také celý proces zapojení do programu a případně tvorby samotného projektu - abyste i vy mohli získat všechny výhody pro vaší školu. Je to překvapivě snadné a případné dotazy či prosby s vámi rádi vyřešíme na místě.

Přineste si s sebou tužku a papír, prosím.

Institution: Helios Movie


V rámci workshopu předvedeme pracovní listy, které byly vytvořeny jako doprovodné materiály k filmu Helios, který se zabývá pozorováním sluneční korony během slunečních zatmění. Pracovní listy jsou k použití ve výuce volně k dispozici na internetu. Témata pracovních listů jsou například fáze Měsíce, zatmění Měsíce a Slunce, sluneční aktivita a její projevy na Zemi, jako jsou polární záře nebo geomagnetické bouře. Během workshopu si vyzkoušíme aktivity, které jsou s danými tématy spojené.

Materiály do výuky v českém jazyce je možné bezplatně stáhnout na

Institution: Albi Česká republika a.s.

Subjects: STEM

Workshop je určen pro pedagogy, kteří chtějí ve své výuce používat praktické ukázky a upevnit tak žákům nově nabyté vědomosti. Součástí workshopu je praktická ukázka vybraných pokusů a zajímavých úkolů, které přímo navazují na učivo. Děti si tak mohou na nové poznatky sáhnout. Pokusy jsou názorné a snadno zapamatovatelné, efekt je ihned viditelný, což pomáhá udržet pozornost dětí.

Vybrané pokusy a úkoly z oblasti chemie a zeměpisu jsou součástí produktů Albi Science. Tyto sady jsou plné zábavy a poznání, mají děti zaujmout a nadchnout k experimentování, naučit je samostatnosti a chuti objevovat. Základem je hra a zábava, ale velkou přidanou hodnotou je, že nenápadným způsobem upevňují poznatky, které se děti učí i ve škole. Každá z těchto sad je doplněna o výukový panel na víku krabice.

Kromě dílčích pokusů se pedagogové mohou seznámit s obsahem celé sady, kterou je možno dobře využít jak ve výuce, tak následně jako doplněk k domácímu studiu a samostatnému experimentování.



CZC v rámci projektu CZC.Education pomáhá školám projít aktuálními změnami ve školské legislativě. Pomáhá nejen zmodernizovat školní výbavu, ale také poradí v tématu robotizace, s výběrem ideálních produktů nebo jak správně žádat o dotace. V rámci workshopu se dozvíte, jak si správně vybrat počítače a notebooky do škol nebo co všechno umí hračky Fischertechnik.

Saturday 26.3.2022, 11:15 - 12:05, ENGLISH

Institution: Collège Sainte Gertrude Nivelles/Sons Belgium

Subjects: Chemistry

Gas microchemistry, different behavior of hydrogen and butane in stoichiometric proportions, production of flammable gas.

Institution: St Augustine's College

Subjects: Physics, Biology, Science, SDG´s

In this workshop participants will build toy cars and design simple electronic games from common equipment such as card, knitting needles and pool noodles.. The toy cars can be adapted to be driven from clockwork mechanisms, electric motors, balloon power or even rocket power allowing a variety of energy transfers and engineering skills to be investigated. Participants can design simple electronic circuits for games to test their coordination steady hands. Each participant will take away a kit to build model cars at home with their students.

Institution: Elixír do škol

Subjects: Math, Physics, Science, Art

Paper can be used for writing, drawing, wrapping presents or snacks. You may think that in the age of computers, electronic marvels and space exploration, a sheet of paper is too simple and uninteresting. Well, you're wrong! We'll show you how paper can be used to experiment, explore and discover or make art. Participants obtain printed set of the templates for Paper science and something more;-). If possible brink your own scissors.

Institution: Albi Česká republika a.s.

Subjects: STEM

Albi Science Workshop is intended for educators who want to use practical examples in their teaching and thus consolidate the newly acquired knowledge for students. The workshop includes a practical demonstration of selected experiments and interesting tasks that are directly related to the subject matter. In this way, children can reach for new knowledge. The experiments are clear and easy to remember, the effect is immediately visible, which helps keep children's attention.

Selected experiments and tasks in the field of chemistry and geography are part of Albi Science products. These sets are full of fun and knowledge. They are designed to engage children and inspire them to experiment, to teach them independence and a desire to discover.

The basis is play and fun, but the great added value is that they unobtrusively consolidate the knowledge that children learn in school. Each of these sets is complemented by a tutorial panel on the lid of the box. In addition to partial experiments, teachers can get acquainted with the content of the whole set, which can be used well both in teaching and subsequently as a supplement to home study and independent experimentation.

Institution: Vernier/Edufor

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology

In this workshop participants can choose a few different experiments according to their individual interests.

Among others they will have the opportunity to try out hands-on activities around the following questions:

Why doesn't wet wood burn?

How does carbon dioxide affect the pH of water?

How does the evaporation of sweat cool the body?

Can we generate electricity using magnets?

How do water depth sensors work?

How does a fast light sensor see a light bulb?

How do we see colors?

Saturday 26.3.2022, 12:10 -13:00, SonS Brainstorming Sessions, ENGLISH

Institution: SonSEU

Subjects: STEM, primary, secondary, food, cooking

The aim of this brainstorm is to bring together a series of  experiments in common format that focus on "food and cooking".

A group is already forming and we shall build on a common format so that everything can be put together in a future ebook. within 12 months or less. Please come with ideas and maybe a favourite demonstration that will appeal to your students.

David Featonby (UK), Nuria Molina (Spain), Rute Oliviera (Portugal), Isabel Borges ( Portugal), Emma Crissel (UK) and others 

Saturday 26.3.2022, 14:00 - 14:50, ENGLISH

Institution: National High School of Science and Mathematics, Sofia, Bulgaria

Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Natural science, Science

In this workshop participants will get to know my solution for the problem: how to do an experiment if everyone is online? We are going to do two sets of experiments - for young students and for high schoolers and we are going to discuss the context suitable for these experiments, what we are looking for and how to deal with the results. Although the list of experiments is not covering the whole of the curricula I think they are a good insight of what is possible with materials that can be easily obtained by the students themselves. Everything that we are going to use will have been brought by me from supermarkets and pharmacies close to the venue.

Institution: Liceo Torricelli-Ballardini e Palestra della Scienza - Faenza

Subjects: Mathematics, Art

This workshop has been cancelled due to an illness of the workshop leader. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Topology is often excluded from educational programs, but, at simple levels, it is rich, interesting and very suitable for games: false and true knots, cutting of Moebius strips, folded papers, holes, puzzle games, magic tricks are some of the examples shown.

Here we propose and practise a “folk dance” based on simple movements among four people holding ropes. While they’re swapping their positions, a tangle takes shape between their ropes. To untie the knot it is necessary to assign numbers to knots and find the right algebraic operations assigned to each dance step. Only using fraction algebra, tangles will be finally untied!

What you'll be doing: working together, calculating, dancing folk music. Don't worry: everyone can dance this! Why do this? It reveals “Math’s power” in different contexts (algebra, knots); it is attractive as it involves music, body and gaming; needs no resources; it could be proposed as a team competition and may even reveal some properties of infinity!

Doing Maths... dancing to the beat!

Institution: Roche (School laboratory EXPERIO Roche)

Subjects: Chemistry

How do ink erasers work? Why do they make the ink disappear, and where does it go? The experiment centres on forming hypotheses and on tackling a specific new task or problem based on the "research cycle" (question, hypothesis, experiment, observation, documentation, and reflection). In addition, the practical experiment serves to stimulate descriptions of various phenomena, such as Brownian motion, particles, molecules, molarity, reactions, colours, light, absorption, reflection, acid-base reactions, indicators or assays.

What colour is your thirst? Is violet really violet, and what colours are there in your effervescent powder? The experiment centres on forming hypotheses and on tackling a specific new task or problem based on the "research cycle" (question, hypothesis, experiment, observation, documentation, and reflection). In addition, the practical experiment serves to stimulate descriptions of various phenomena, such as particles, molecules, colours, light, absorption, reflection, adsorption, solubility, or chromatography.

Institution: Clonkeen College

Subjects: Physics, Optical physics, Science

Our project is on radio astronomy in school. Topics covers electromagnetic radiation from the physics course in secondary level schools. It is aimed at 12-18 year olds. In this workshop teachers will get an overview of the work carried out building the three radio telescopes that we made: 1. Itty Bitty Telescope 2. Horn antenna 3. 2.5 meter parabolic satellite dish telescope. They will get the opportunity to take part in hands on activities including investigating radio interference using FM/AM radios and electronic devices, observing radio frequencies emitted from electronic devices including car keys using RTL-SDR and laptop, making their own observation of the hydrogen line using Pictor Telescope online and and also observing the best places to place a radio telescope using the Padlet created by our students.

Institution: Scoil Chaitríona Junior & St. Mary's Primary School, Fivemiletown

Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Science, History, Art, Primary education

This workshop on all aspects of flight will be facilitated by two practising primary school teachers who are both native (fluent) English speakers. Participants will have ample opportunities to try out and make hands-on activities that they can easily replicate in their own classes. We aim to have a workshop which will be relevant to teachers of all primary school students (ages 4-12). The focus of the workshop is on "Flight" and will explore, design and make all types of flying objects, as they relate to flying objects in real life. The workshop will be a hands-on type workshop and will comprise information about the project carried out by Audrey and Jane, an opportunity to see objects designed and made by our students, and the opportunity to design, make and keep parachutes and windmill kites.

Saturday 26.3.2022, 15:15 - 16:05, CZECH

Institution: ČT edu


Web ČT edu připravila Česká televize pro všechny učitele, žáky i rodiče, kteří chtějí svoje vzdělávací aktivity rozšířit o audiovizuální materiály. Portál nabízí tisíce krátkých videí z pořadů České televize pokrývající témata předškolního, základního i středního vzdělávání. Všechna vzdělávací videa jsou navíc přehledně rozdělena nejen podle stupňů, ale také dle předmětů a konkrétních témat. V loňském roce nabídlo ČT edu i dva původní pořady, Dáme to!, který pomáhal s přípravou na maturitu z českého jazyka a matematiky, a pořad Nebojte se matematiky. Letos se můžete těšit na pokračování obou pořadů, včetně nových dílů k maturitě z anglického jazyka!

V krátkém příspěvku se dozvíte, co všechno ČT edu učitelům nabízí, jaké novinky chystá a jak si lze skrze uživatelský profil ukládat oblíbená videa, osvědčené materiály a pracovní listy.

Institution: Dům zahraniční spolupráce &  ZŠ a MŠ Dr. Edvarda Beneše v Praze - Čakovicích


Je možná mezinárodní spolupráce online v  STEM předmětech? V našem workshopu se dozvíte, jak na to - a to z pohledu administrátora mezinárodní spolupráce ve vzdělávání a také z pohledu učitele ZŠ s praktickou zkušeností s realizací projektů v STEM předmětech. Workshop povede Pavla Šabatková z Domu zahraniční spolupráce a Petra Boháčková ze Základní školy a Mateřské školy Dr. Edvarda Beneše v Praze - Čakovicích.

Institution: GasNet


Na workshopu probereme, kam směřuje moderní energetika, která musí v kontextu klimatické změny reagovat na výzvy udržitelného rozvoje. Zároveň vám ukážeme, jak atraktivním způsobem začlenit podobná témata do výuky a zaujmout tak vaše žáky či studenty.

Institution: GZ Media


Během workshopu ukážeme, jak jsme s dětmi v robotickém kroužku sestrojili jednoduchý gramofon. Přehrávač je zkonstruován z běžných součástek ze stavebnic pro děti. Rychlost otáčení desky gramofonu je řízena softwarem naprogramovaným v oblíbeném programovacím jazyce, vhodném pro děti ze základních škol. Na našem workshopu si každý může vyzkoušet mechanickou konstrukci, základy akustiky a zvuku a také programování. Jde o pochopení vztahu mezi rychlostí rotace vinylové desky a kvalitou produkovaného zvuku.

Institution: Helios Movie


Na workshopu představím některé metodické materiály, které vznikly jako doprovodné k dokumentu Helios - určeny jsou pro žáky ZŠ a studenty SŠ, lze je použít i samostatně (bez promítání filmu). Účastníci budou mít možnost vybrané aktivity vyzkoušet.

Materiály do výuky v českém jazyce je možné bezplatně stáhnout na