WDS 2013 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers

Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2013

Prague, 4th June – 7th June, 2013

Edited by Jana Šafránková and Jiří Pavlů, MATFYZPRESS, Prague, 2013,
ISBN 978-80-7378-250-4 (Part I), ISBN 978-80-7378-251-1 (Part II), ISBN 978-80-7378-252-8 (Part III).

For obtaining PDFs of Proceedings, please, contact Prof. Safrankova.


The three already traditional volumes of the WDS Proceedings you are holding in the hands are composed of the contributions which have been presented during the 22nd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students that was held in Prague, at Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics from June 4 to June 7, 2013. In this year, the conference begun very dramatically due to a flood threatening not only the Czech cities (including Prague) but also the conference organization—its uncertainty probably resulted in a lower number of participants with respect to previous years. Nevertheless, its quick relocation to another faculty building resolved this unusual situation.

Proceedings are divided into three volumes. Part I presents the contributions on Mathematics (10) and Computer Sciences (10, together 20 papers published in this part). The contributions from the field of Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media are the main topics of Part II (26 papers published in this part). Part III consists of contributions from all other symposia on Physics (33 papers published in this part). In a summary, 86 student manuscripts were submitted to publishing and 79 were accepted after the review process.

All manuscripts were reviewed by two referees and, maybe, you would ask why. We believe that it helps students to learn how to prepare the written presentation of their results in a foreign language and how to respond the referee's notices. They should take into account their comments and prepare a new submission including letters to both referees where they explain their reaction. This is a standard way of publication in scientific journals and we are offering an exercise that would help them in future. Since one of referees is a doctoral student, he/she can learn the preparation of a review. One can see a different approach of student referees—some of them are very active and bring a lot of comments and suggestions, whereas others carry out a formal review only. The second referee was the experienced senior researcher and, in this year, 69 reviewers from this group was from abroad. We would like to express many thanks to them for their understanding and great help. Their effort significantly contributed to traditionally good quality of the Proceedings and thus, you can find a lot of references to previous volumes in scientific journals.

Editors thank to following referees:
Mathematics and Computer Sciences – D. Applebaum, B. Bastl, E. Bejcek, M. Boddy, M. Branda, F. Dechterenko, F. Dvorak, R. Erban, H. Gal, Z. Halas, M. Heller, Z. Hlavka, J. Hric, J. Hron, M. Hyksova, J. Janak, B. Jawaid, B. Jiang, F. Jurcicek, K. Keimel, A. Kolobov, M. Kopecky, V. Kozmik, D. Marecek, J. Mirovsky, I. Mrazova, R. Navratil, M. Omelka, K. Pala, J. Papez, P. Pecina, J. Pelikan, A. Pichler, M. Popel, J. Prihoda, J. Sniatycki, J. Snuparkova, M. Stepanova, J. Strakova, P. Surynek, P. Surynkova, D. Trkovska, O. A. Vasicek, P. Veverka, A. Wilkie, J. Witzany, Z. Zabokrtsky, A. Zivcak.
Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media – K. Andreeova, B. Badruddin, M. Beranek, J. J. Blanco, A. L. Borg, U. Buck, M. Cada, C. Castaldo, I. Cermak, P. Dohnal, M. S. Dolgonosov, K. Dryahina, P. Dvorak, J. Enzl, V. Eselevich, N. Fedorczak, O. Goncharov, J. T. Gudmundsson, V. Guerra, S. M. Gupta, O. Gutynska, B. Hattendorf, J. Havlicek, E. Havlickova, M. Hejduk, M. Holik, Z. Hrbackova, M. Hron, T. Ibehej, M. Imrisek, F. Janky, K. Jesko, A. Kanka, J. Kluson, J. Kocisek, A. Kolpakova, K. Kovarik, R. Krumpolec, P. Kudrna, R. Kwiatkowski, M. Laca, J. Lengyel, T. Markovic, O. Meyer, A. R. Milosavljevic, J. Mlynar, J. M. Moravek, Z. Navratil, D. Naydenkova, F. Nemec, L. Nouzak, M. Odstrcil, R. Perekrestov, I. Pickova, R. Plasil ($2\times$), A. Podolnik, V. Poterya, I. Rafatov, I. Richterova, L. Schmiedt, A. Y. Skoblo, A. Spesyvyi, M. Stano, M. Swisdak, J. Urbar, J. Vaverka, P. Vondracek, A. Wawrzynczak, J. Wild, E. Wolfrum.
Physics – K. A. Anenkova, P. Bohm, O. Bondarenko, A. Borysenko, P. Bulant, P. Di Nezza, J. Dostal, M. Drabik, F. Dvorak, M. Eichler, J. Eliasek, M. Fialova, S. Filippov, A. Frydryszak, V. V. Gibizova, K. A. Gonchar, O. Gorda, J. Hanus, L. Hanykova, S. C. Hardiman, T. Homola, J. Houfkova, I. Chaikovska, A. Chyzh, N. K. Ibrayev, P. Kacovsky, K. Kampf, O. Kavatsyuk, D. Kovacik, M. Kozubek, O. Kreml, P. Krizan, J. Kubat, M. Kucera, S. Lazovic, R. Lewis, N. Malygin, D. Mandikova, I. Melnichuk, A. Michelmore, J. Miksovsky, J. Myslivecek, S. Necasova, H. Nemec, I. Novak, B. Novosyadlyj, M. Peksa, M. Petr, S. Pokhvala, O. Polonskyi, P. Pravec, I. Prochazka, D. B. Putungan, T. Rivinius, B. Roskovec, M. Rybar, M. Setvin, A. A. Shapkin, A. Shelemin, A. Shukurov, M. Scholtz, V. A. Sivakov, D. Skacelova, Y. V. Skrypnyk, M. Snetinova, P. Solar, M. Spousta, P. Stahel, A. T. Stelbovics, V. Sundstrom, O. Svitek, A. Tayduganov, J. Thaler, J. D. Whittle, V. Zak, K. Zemankova, B. Zhilyaev, P. Zimmermann.

Finally, we would like to express our thanks to all speakers and other participants for helping us to keep a fruitful and friendly atmosphere during the whole meeting and, last but not least, to our colleagues and many cooperative students who assisted us greatly both prior to and through the conference.

Pleasant reading
Jana Šafránková and Jiří Pavlů

Part I — Mathematics and Computer Sciences (ISBN 978-80-7378-250-4)

i-1, i-2, i-3, i-5, m-2, m-4, m-5, m-6, m-7, and m-8 Branches of Graduate Doctoral Studies

Suggested reference example:
Barančíková P., Lexical Paraphrasing for Improvement of MT Evaluation, in WDS'13 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part I – Mathematics and Computer Sciences (eds. J. Safrankova and J. Pavlu), Prague, Matfyzpress, pp. 7–11, 2013.

Part II — Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media (ISBN 978-80-7378-251-1)

f-2 Branch of Graduate Doctoral Studies

Suggested reference example:
Enžl J., Přech L., Šafránková J., and Němeček Z., Statistical Study of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind, in WDS'13 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part II – Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media (eds. J. Safrankova and J. Pavlu), Prague, Matfyzpress, pp. 7–12, 2013.

Part III — Physics (ISBN 978-80-7378-252-8)

f-1, f-3, f-4, f-5, f-7, f-8, f-9, f-10, f-11, and f-12 Branches of Graduate Doctoral Studies

Contributions from Symposium on Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media (f-2) are in Part II.

Suggested reference example:
Berta P., Top Tagging with the ATLAS Experiment, in WDS'13 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part III – Physics (eds. J. Safrankova and J. Pavlu), Prague, Matfyzpress, pp. 39–44, 2013.

[KFPP Home Page], [Faculty of Math. and Physics], [Charles University]

Last revision on March 05, 2020.